IT Asset Management (Cloud)
When a user accesses a remote application in a virtual desktop infrastructure, IT Asset Management uses the VDI template to track the application access. A virtual desktop
template is a method to track software access details in a VDI environment. IT Asset Management gets the software access details from the template and user details from the
Active Directory to track the access of remote applications by the users, through the
inventory devices. The Access mode displays the method used by an
inventory device to access an application.
For more information about using lists, filters, and other UI options, see the topics under
Using Lists in IT Asset Management. The following table displays the virtual desktop template
properties in an alphabetical order:
Remember: Remote device properties are read
Table 1. Properties listed on the Virtual Desktop Template tab
Field |
Description |
Access mode |
The method that this device uses to access a software application. This field
can have one of the following values:
- Blank — When there is an allocation without any supportive installation record from
the imported inventory.
- App-V For a virtualized application delivered through
Microsoft App-V.
- Citrix Virtual App — Application data imported from
Citrix Cloud into IT Asset Management that is recognized by the Application
Recognition Library (ARL).
- Local — The application has been
installed locally on the inventory device.
- XenApp (now known as Citrix
Virtual Apps) — The application has been accessed remotely via a Citrix XenApp server.
- XenDesktop (now known as Virtual
Desktops) — The application has been installed on a virtual machine in your VDI
infrastructure, and associated with this inventory device because the primary end-user
has accessed the software through this inventory device. If your virtual machine image
includes the FlexNet Inventory Agent, this inventory device may have been identified as
the end-point from which the end user accessed the VDI. In other circumstances, the
end-user may have used a remote device such as a home computer or mobile device that
cannot be inventoried; but as the end-user is associated with this inventory device, the
application use can be recorded here for license consumption calculations.
VDI template name |
Whenever the assigned or calculated user for this device accesses a virtual
desktop instance, IT Asset Management determines the VDI template from which that
virtual desktop instance was spawned. That VDI template is listed here.
IT Asset Management (Cloud)