AD Groups Tab

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

The AD Groups tab displays a list of Active Directory groups and users who have been given access to a desktop pool.

The AD Groups tab fields are presented in alphabetical order in the following table:

Table 1. AD Groups tab details
Field Description
Domain name The qualified name of the Active Directory domain. For example,
Domain flat name (also known as the NetBIOS name) The sub domain of the DNS domain name. For example, if the DNS domain name is, the domain flat name is dev.
Name The name of the user groups in Active Directory.
SID A unique security identifier that Active Directory uses to identify objects.
VDI Group

The name of the virtual desktop infrastructure group that the end-user has access to. If a user group is permitted to access a remote device, all the members of the group can remotely access the applications available in the template.

Not editable.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
