Viewing and Accepting the Changes to a Device Asset

FlexNet Manager Suite 2019 R1 (On-Premises Edition)

The types of configuration changes and devices for which these changes are tracked by FlexNet Manager Suite depend on the check boxes you selected in the Action and Track compliance on columns on the Assets tab in System Settings. You can view the list of device asset changes and accept them as needed.

Note: These are not operator-initiated changes to the data records: they are real-world modifications automatically reported through the inventory workflow. For information about how to track the properties of an inventory device linked to an asset, see Setting Up Compliance Rules for Inventory Devices..

To review changes in asset properties:

  1. Click Hardware Assets > Changed Device Assets (in the Assets group).
    Note: To narrow down the search results being displayed, click Add filter (), and choose values from the column you need (such as Status). Some columns (such as Model) require that you first enter a value or partial value, and then select a rule for matching, such as Contains, by clicking the small filter icon in the column.
  2. Select an item you need on the list of device assets, and:
    1. To view the change, click Review changes. In the panel that appears, you can select and approve individual changes from the list of changes yet to be approved.
    2. To accept all changes for this asset, click Accept changes.
    A device asset with accepted changes is removed from the Changed Device Assets page.