Remote Devices

FlexNet Manager Suite 2019 R1 (On-Premises Edition)
The Discovery & Inventory > Remote Devices page (in the Virtual Devices group) lists the details of all the remote devices created by FlexNet Manager Suite. FlexNet Manager Suite creates remote devices when it gets software usage details, but has no information about the devices through which the software was accessed. For example:
  • You grant temporary access to some computers, under special license provisions. For example, a contractor's personal computer may be temporarily granted access to an application.
  • There are unknown endpoints such as a home computer or mobile device that have been used to access virtual desktops under VDI.
Remote devices are created on demand based on possible input from:
  • The XenApp (Server Agent) adapter
  • XenApp (EdgeSight) connection
  • FlexNet inventory agent collecting inventory from XenDesktop
  • App-V (Standalone) adapter
  • SCCM connection if App-V packages are published
  • Microsoft Office 365 adapter
  • Custom spreadsheet imports.

You cannot create a remote device through the user interface. FlexNet Manager Suite analyzes the remote application access data with user details. If it finds a user that has accessed a remote application but has no hardware device associated with it, FlexNet Manager Suite creates a remote device. You can select any device record and click Open to view its properties. For more information about remote device properties, see Remote Device Properties.

This page displays the following columns (listed alphabetically). Some columns are displayed by default and others can be displayed through the column chooser. To manage columns and other UI options, see the topics under Managing Columns in a Table.

Note: The Save view as feature of FlexNet Manager Suite enables you to create customized management views of a page by saving the applied user interface settings. For more information, see Creating Management Views.
Table 1. Properties on the Remote Devices page
Property Description
The date when this inventory record was created in FlexNet Manager Suite.
Tip: New inventory device records are created during a full import to the compliance database, as new inventory is identified. Therefore it's quite possible to have a creation date that is later than the inventory date, with the difference being due to scheduling, such as the scheduling of imports from third-party tools, or delays between the upload of FlexNet inventory and the full import and compliance calculations (for example, if your full imports are scheduled weekly, or the like).

Not editable.

Device status

Displays Active for a remote device. (May safely be left in the column chooser.)

Not editable.

Domain name Displays the domain associated with the user detected using the virtualized application remotely.

Not editable.

IP address

Always blank for a remote device in this listing. (May safely be left in the column chooser.)

Not editable.

Last inventory date

The date when the last inventory information was collected by the Last inventory source for this inventory device.

Not editable.

Last inventory source

Always displays Automatic in this listing. (May safely be left in the column chooser.)

Not editable.


This remote device record was fabricated when a user was found to have accessed a virtualized application from a device not included in your corporate inventory devices (such as a home computer or mobile device). The remote device name is fabricated from the user name with the suffix (Remote) appended. For example, the user rwest using a virtualized application produces a remote device name of rwest (Remote).

Not editable.


Specifies the name of the user who accessed an application on a remote device.

Not editable.