Container Host Discovery Report

Important:The product name for this user guide has changed from Foundation and Cloudscape to Business Service Discovery and Migration Planning. Previous UI pages known as Foundation have changed to Business Service Discovery. Previous UI pages known as CloudScape have changed to Migration Planning.

Many modern environments utilize containerization for their business applications. These containerized workloads can be a source of confusion or a "black box" when it comes to network dependency mapping and business service identification. We are able to identify servers which play host to containerized workloads, assuming we have SSH access to the servers themselves. The Container Discovery report can be found on the Available Reports page following an inventory scan. Devices need not be licensed to appear in the report, but they must be inventoried via the SSH collection method.

Servers which act as containerization nodes are identified based on the appearance of key processes in the servers' processlists. This data is harvested at the time of successful SSH discovery, access, and inventory collection. The backing data for the report should be available immediately upon the first rescan, or within 24 hours of a subsequent rescan.

The processlist items we look for include "kubelet", "kube-apiserver", "kube-controller-manager", "kube-proxy", and "etcd" for Kubernetes platforms, and "dockerd" for Docker platforms. We determine the role of a Kubernetes or Docker host using the following criteria, in order:


Server Role

Match Criteria

Kubernetes Control Plane Node

has a process matching "kubelet" and a process matching "kubernetes-controller-manager"

Kubernetes etcd Node

has a process matching "kubelet" and a process matching "etcd"

Kubernetes API Server Node

has a process matching "kubelet" and a process matching "kube-apiserver"

Kubernetes Worker Node

has a process matching "kubelet" and a process matching "kube-proxy"

Potential Kubernetes Node

has a process matching "kubelet"

Potential Docker Node

has a process matching "dockerd"

Note:Servers are labeled according to the first criteria on that list which they match. For example, a server with processes matching "kubelet", "kubernetes-controller-manager" and "kube-proxy" would be labeled as a Kubernetes Control Plane Node.

In addition to the categorization report, we also include a list of evidence for our verdicts. This evidence provides the relevant processes observed on each server, which were used to drive the process described above.

The report may be regenerated on demand to incorporate any new data that has been collected since its previous generation.