Assets (Legacy)

Important:The product name for this user guide has changed from Foundation and Cloudscape to Business Service Discovery and Migration Planning. Previous UI pages known as Foundation have changed to Business Service Discovery. Previous UI pages known as CloudScape have changed to Migration Planning.

The Assets page (located underneath Consume Intelligence > Assets) of the platform is meant to be your working page for reviewing the discovery results and taking further action. The Assets page is meant to be a listing of devices discovered within the customer environment. It should be used in an iterative process for scope setting/discovery of the customer’s environment (i.e. it is used as a working document throughout multiple scans to troubleshoot and discover further areas of a customer’s environment until the target scope is achieved).

Review How We Collect to gain a more in-depth understanding of the discovery process/what the appliance is doing.

The Asset Report is generated after the RN150 has completed the inventory phase. The appliance/assessment always works in this manner:

The Asset Report lists all devices that responded to an ICMP ping. Additionally, if we were able to connect to them using the provided credentials and categorize them they are further classified into device types (e.g. Windows Server, Windows Workstation, etc), as described in Device Type Definitions. Each category in the Asset Report aligns to a specific credential input into the appliance. (i.e. Devices under the Windows Server link indicate we have WMI access to that box, the Linux/Unix link shows SNMP or SSH accessible devices, if it is in the Virtual Machine link we have vCenter access, etc.). Clicking each link will filter the following table to show only those devices.

Key Takeaways

The report is additive. With each successive rescan of the environment the newly discovered data will be added to that of the previous scan. Data is never removed, even in the event that credentials or subnets are removed or deselected for scanning in the appliance.
There is often overlap between the links. Since they correspond to a credential we could have a Windows VM that is in both the Windows link and the VM link as it responded to both sets of credentials (Windows Admin and vCenter). Additionally, it can be in the inaccessible devices link if one credential worked, but not another (e.g. vCenter passed, but Windows failed). Please note that the Business Service Discovery and Migration Planning platform will resolve the duplicate devices when doing subsequent reporting (you will only see one device for the VM and Windows Server), but the asset report is purposefully left as-is so that virtual teams and windows teams can both confirm the expected asset list.