Assets & Asset Errors

Important:The product name for this user guide has changed from Foundation and Cloudscape to Business Service Discovery and Migration Planning. Previous UI pages known as Foundation have changed to Business Service Discovery. Previous UI pages known as CloudScape have changed to Migration Planning.

The Assets page (located underneath Consume Intelligence > Assets) is meant to be the place within the platform where you can understand what assets were discovered in the environment as well as how the environment is changing from an asset perspective. Much of the data on the page is determined by your discoveries. We recommend setting up weekly scheduled discoveries in your environment to track asset changes.

The Assets page has a sub page called Asset Errors which is the main place for troubleshooting as you discover the environment.

Asset Errors


You can filter the page by time via the time selector option in the top right. By filtering to a specific range you will only see devices that existed during that range.

Note:If you filter to a time range where only one discovery occurred then the time series graph will change to a bar graph as there is only one data point

Review the How We Collect page to gain a more in-depth understanding of the discovery process/what the appliance is doing.

The Asset page is generated after the RN150 has completed the inventory phase. The appliance/assessment always works in this manner:

The Asset page lists all devices that responded to an ICMP ping.
Additionally, if we were able to connect to them using the provided credentials and categorize them, they are further classified into device types (e.g. Windows Server, Windows Workstation, etc).
Each category in the Asset Report aligns to a specific credential input into the appliance. (i.e. Devices classified as Windows Servers indicate we have WMI access to that box, Generic Server indicates SNMP or SSH accessible devices, Virtual indicates we have vCenter access, etc.).

Asset Errors

This page contains all errors collected in the environment during discovery scans. The errors are organized in two ways, by error or by device, so that you can quickly troubleshoot by either taking a whole class of errors and ask a sysadmin for resolution or dig into specific error activity on a device. We have included a Resolution field which is our suggested action to be taken to troubleshoot the issue.

Key Takeaway

The report is additive. With each successive rescan of the environment the newly discovered data will be added to that of the previous scan. Data is never removed, even in the event that credentials or subnets are removed or deselected for scanning in the appliance. You can filter to a date to remove anything that is not relevant.