
InstallShield 2014 » InstallScript Language Reference

A function is a named set of instructions that operate together to perform a specific task.

Function Characteristics

Every function has the following characteristics:

A function is named. Each function has a unique name. When you call the function by name, you know which set of instructions will run, and you can be sure of consistent results. You can also call a function from within another function.
A function is independent. In most cases, any function can perform its instructions without interfering with other parts of the program.
A function performs a certain task. A task is any single job that the script must perform, such as displaying a bitmap, compressing a file, or creating a folder.
A function can return a value to the script. When the script executes, it performs the instructions of the function. Based on the result of the instructions, a function can return information to the script.

Function Types

InstallShield allows you to use three types of functions in your setup script:

Function Types

Function Type


Built-in functions

Functions supplied by InstallShield or included for Sd dialogs.

User-defined functions

Functions that you create.

DLL-called functions

Functions that you can call in a DLL.

Note: Like the C programming language, InstallScript does not support nested function blocks.

See Also