Creating InstallScript Files

InstallShield 2014

Project: This information applies to the following project types:

Basic MSI
InstallScript MSI
InstallScript Object
Merge Module

You must have a file named Setup.rul in your project if you are using InstallScript. InstallScript and InstallScript MSI projects contain a Setup.rul file by default. You must add a Setup.rul file in Basic MSI, DIM, and Merge Module projects if you want to use InstallScript custom actions in these types of projects.

To add a new InstallScript file to your project:

1. In the View List under Behavior and Logic, click InstallScript.
2. In the InstallScript explorer, right-click Files and click New Script File.
3. Name the file.

New script files are named Setup.rul by default. If you already have a file called Setup.rul, a new file is added with the name Setupn.rul, where n is a successive number. You can rename the file by right-clicking it and then clicking Rename.

The new script file is placed in the Link To folder. InstallShield attempts to use a path variable in case you move your project. You cannot edit the Link To value.

You can also include additional header files (.h files) and script files. Repeat the above procedure to add a new script file to your project.

See Also