General Tab for a Product Configuration

InstallShield 2018 » Releases View » Product Configuration

Project • The General tab for a product configuration is available in the following project types:

Basic MSI
InstallScript MSI
Merge Module

The General tab of each product configuration has the following settings, primarily for overriding other settings in the resulting releases:

Product Configuration Settings


Project Type


Product Name

Basic MSI, InstallScript MSI, Merge Module

To override the product name in each release that you build under this product configuration, enter a new name.

For information on how the product name is used, see Specifying a Product Name.

Changing the product name in this setting does not affect any built releases. You must rebuild each release to see the changes reflected in the product name and in the project’s folders and files.

Product Version

Basic MSI, InstallScript MSI, Merge Module

To override the product version in each release that you build under this product configuration, enter the version number. The version must contain only numbers. It is typically in the format aaa.bbb.ccccc or aaa.bbb.ccccc.ddddd, where aaa represents the major version number, bbb represents the minor version number, ccccc represents the build number, and ddddd represents the revision number. The maximum value for the aaa and bbb portions is 255. The maximum value for ccccc and ddddd is 65,535.

Note that although you can include the fourth field (ddddd), the installation does not use this part of the product version to distinguish between different product versions. To learn more, see Specifying the Product Version.

If your release includes a Setup.exe file, the product version that you specify is displayed on the Properties dialog box for Setup.exe. For more information, see Customizing File Properties for the Setup Launcher.

Package Code

Basic MSI, InstallScript MSI, Merge Module

To override the package code that is entered in the General Information view, enter a new GUID. To have InstallShield generate a different GUID for you, click the Generate a new GUID button ({...}) in this setting.

Note • This package code is ignored if Yes is selected for the Generate Package Code setting.

Generate Package Code

Basic MSI, InstallScript MSI, Merge Module

Specify whether you want InstallShield to generate a new package code every time that a release under this product configuration is built:

YesInstallShield generates a new package code at build time and includes it in the .msi package. The package code that is displayed in the Package Code setting in the General Information view does not change.
NoInstallShield does not generate a new package code at build time. If you enter a package code for the product configuration, that package code is used. If you do not specify a package code for the product configuration, InstallShield uses the package code that is set in the General Information view.

Product Configuration Flags

Basic MSI, InstallScript MSI, Merge Module

Enter the release flags for the features, InstallShield prerequisites, and chained .msi packages that you would like to include in the releases that are associated with this product configuration. Separate multiple flags with a comma.

Product configuration flags enable you to customize your installation by including or excluding certain features, InstallShield prerequisites, and chained .msi packages in each release that you build under this product configuration. Note that you can also specify release flags at the release level.

For more information on filtering features, InstallShield prerequisites, and chained .msi packages, see Release Flags.


Basic MSI, InstallScript MSI, Merge Module

To override the value of the Subject setting in the General Information view for every release you build under this product configuration, enter the name of the product.

The value that you enter is used on the Summary tab of the Properties dialog box that is displayed if you right-click the Windows Installer database and then click Properties.

When you type a value for this setting, you are creating a string entry and setting its initial value for all of the languages that are currently in the project. As an alternative to typing a new value, you can click the ellipsis button (...) in this setting to select an existing string. For more information, see Using String Entries in InstallShield.


Basic MSI, InstallScript MSI, Merge Module

To override the value of the Title setting in the General Information view for every release you build under this product configuration, enter a new title.

The value that you enter is used on the Summary tab of the Properties dialog box that is displayed if you right-click the Windows Installer database and then click Properties.

When you type a value for this setting, you are creating a string entry and setting its initial value for all of the languages that are currently in the project. As an alternative to typing a new value, you can click the ellipsis button (...) in this setting to select an existing string. For more information, see Using String Entries in InstallShield.

Template Summary

Basic MSI, InstallScript MSI, Merge Module

To override the Template Summary setting in the General Information view for a specific product configuration, specify the processor type and default language that your installation supports. List the processor type first, followed by your installation’s default language, and separate them with a semicolon. If you have multiple entries in the language category, separate them with a comma.

For example, if your installation runs only on Intel processors and English-based systems, enter Intel;1033. If your product runs on x64 processors and supports English and German, enter x64;1033,1031. For the language portion of this setting, use the number 0 if your installation is language neutral.

Valid processor values include:


Note that you can specify only one processor value.

For more information, see Using the Template Summary Property.

If the target machine does not meet the requirements that you specify for this setting, an error message is displayed and the installation exits.

Architecture Validation

Basic MSI, Merge Module

Select the type of architecture validation that you want to use at build time. Available options are:

Lenient—This type of validation lets you build x86 and x64 .msi packages (as indicated by the Template Summary property), and mix x86 and x64 product files and custom action files in both of those types of packages.

Lenient architecture validation does not trigger build errors or warnings if the architecture that the Template Summary property specifies does not match the architecture for one or more of the product files or the custom action files that are being included in the release.

At build time, the ISRedistPlatformDependentFolder and ISRedistPlatformDependentExpressFolder path variables point to the x86 locations that contain x86 InstallShield custom action DLLs. InstallShield includes these x86 custom action DLLs in the build if your project includes support that requires these custom actions.

Lenient is the default option.

Architecture Validation (cont.)


Strict—With this type of validation, InstallShield attempts to build a pure x86 or pure x64 .msi package, depending on whether the Template Summary property specifies Intel (for x86) or x64.

Strict validation may trigger build errors if the architecture that the Template Summary property specifies does not match the architecture for one or more of the custom action files that are being included in the release. This type of validation may also trigger build warnings if the architecture that the Template Summary property specifies does not match the architecture for one or more of the product files that are being included in the release.

If the Template Summary property specifies Intel, the ISRedistPlatformDependentFolder and ISRedistPlatformDependentExpressFolder path variables point to the x86 locations that contain x86 InstallShield custom action DLLs. However, if the Template Summary property specifies x64 and you are using strict validation, these path variables point to the x64 locations that contain x64 InstallShield custom action DLLs. If your project includes support that requires any of these custom actions, InstallShield adds the appropriate x86 or x64 versions of the DLLs.

To learn more, see Selecting the Appropriate Type of Architecture Validation for Builds.


Basic MSI, InstallScript MSI, Merge Module

To override the Summary Information Stream Comments setting in the General Information view for a specific product configuration, enter any comments about your product. A typical value for this setting is as follows:

This installer database contains the logic and data required to install MyProduct.

The value that you enter is used on the Summary tab of the Properties dialog box that is displayed if you right-click the Windows Installer database and then click Properties.

When you type a value for this setting, you are creating a string entry and setting its initial value for all of the languages that are currently in the project. As an alternative to typing a new value, you can click the ellipsis button (...) in this setting to select an existing string. For more information, see Using String Entries in InstallShield.


Basic MSI, InstallScript MSI, Merge Module

The schema version is an integer that identifies the minimum Windows Installer version that is required for the installation package.

To override the Schema setting in the General Information view for a specific product configuration, enter the appropriate integer.

For a minimum of Windows Installer 2.0, enter 200. For a minimum of Windows Installer 3.0, enter 300. For a minimum of Windows Installer 3.1, enter 301. For a minimum of Windows Installer 4.5, enter 405.

If the end user’s system has a Windows Installer version earlier than the minimum requirement that you specify for the Schema setting—for example, if you specify a schema value of 405 because your installation uses Windows Installer 4.5 features, but an end user has Windows Installer 3.1—the installation displays an error message and exits.

The value that you enter for the Schema setting is used for the Page Count Summary property of your Windows Installer database.

Product Code

Basic MSI, InstallScript MSI

To override the Product Code setting in the General Information view for a specific product configuration, enter a GUID that uniquely identifies this product. To have InstallShield generate a different GUID for you, click the Generate a new GUID button ({...}) in this setting.

Since this code uniquely identifies your product, changing the product code after you have already distributed your release is not recommended.

For more information, see Setting the Product Code in a Windows Installer–Based Project.

Upgrade Code

Basic MSI, InstallScript MSI

To override the Upgrade Code setting in the General Information view for a specific product configuration, enter a GUID that can be used for your product’s upgrade code. To have InstallShield generate a different GUID for you, click the Generate a new GUID button ({...}) in this setting.

The upgrade code is a GUID that identifies a related set of products. The Windows Installer uses a product's upgrade code when performing major upgrades of an installed product. The upgrade code, stored in the UpgradeCode property, should remain the same for all versions of a product.

For more information, see Setting the Upgrade Code.

Preprocessor Defines

Basic MSI, InstallScript MSI

To override the Preprocessor Defines setting on the Compile/Link tab of the Settings dialog box for a specific product configuration, specify any preprocessor definitions.

Use the following format, with no spaces before or after equal signs or commas:


You can test those types of constants in your script by using #if and #ifdef statements that control the flow of the script. For example, type MYVARIABLE in this box, and the code in the following #ifdef loop will be executed:


    // Commands


After you add or change a preprocessor definition in this box, you must compile your script for the addition or change to take effect.

Note • Many Windows API functions are declared in the header file ISRTWindows.h, which is automatically included when you include Ifx.h in your script. You can prevent the automatic definition of Windows APIs by placing the preprocessor constant ISINCLUDE_NO_WINAPI_H in the Preprocessor Defines box on the Compile/Link tab of the Settings dialog box.

MSI Package File Name

Basic MSI, InstallScript MSI

Specify the file name—without the period or the file extension—that InstallShield should use for the .msi file and—if applicable—the package definition file that it generates at build time. If this setting is blank, the product name is used.

You can also include the value of a property from the Property Table in this field, as described in Setup File Name.

Important • If you want to be able to release minor upgrades or small updates to update your product, the previous and latest versions of your installation must have the same .msi package name. Attempting to perform a minor upgrade or a small update when the .msi file name has changed can lead to Windows Installer run-time error 1316.

Setup File Name

Basic MSI, InstallScript MSI

Specify the file name—without the .exe file extension—that InstallShield should use for the setup launcher file that it generates at build time. If this setting is blank, InstallShield uses the default value of Setup, and the setup launcher file is called Setup.exe.

You can also include the value of a property from the Property Table in this field. For example, you could enter any of the following properties:





If you entered setup[ProductVersion], it would result in a setup named setup14.10.1234.exe, for example.

Include Custom Action Help

Basic MSI, InstallScript MSI, Merge Module

Specify whether InstallShield should stream the contents of each of the custom action help files into the .msi file every time that a release in the selected product configuration is built. The path to a custom action’s help file is indicated in the Help File Path setting in the Custom Actions and Sequences view (in Basic MSI and InstallScript MSI projects) or the Custom Actions view (in Merge Module projects).

Selecting Yes is helpful if system administrators deploy your product to enterprise environments; they sometimes need to know what the custom actions do. If you select Yes, the following tasks occur at build time:

InstallShield adds the ISCustomActionReference table to the .msi file that is being built. The contents of all of custom actions’ help files that are specified in the Custom Actions and Sequences view are streamed into the Description column of this table.
If your project includes any merge modules that contain custom actions, the contents of the help files that are specified in the Custom Actions view of the merge module projects are also included in the ISCustomActionReference table.

For more information, see Documenting the Behavior of Custom Actions.

See Also