PowerShell Script to Pull Advisory Information

Below is a sample PowerShell script to pull advisory information:

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

#Max number of advistories to pull

$global:QueryLimit = 20

function QueryData ($URL, $Header)


    # Get First Page of results (20 items)

    $result = @()

    $results = @()



        $result = Invoke-RestMethod ($URL) -Method Get -Headers $Header

        $results = $result.results

        if ($result.results)


            $results = $result.results




            $results = $result





        Write-host ("Error QueryData1 " + $URL + " " +  $_.Exception.Message + " " + $_.Exception.ItemName) -ForegroundColor Red


    #Get the next pages of results, if any

    while (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($result.next))




            $result = Invoke-RestMethod $result.next -Method Get -Headers $Header

            $results += $result.results

            if ($results.count -gt $global:QueryLimit)







            Write-host ("Error QueryData2 " + $URL + $result.next + " " +  $_.Exception.Message + " " + $_.Exception.ItemName) -ForegroundColor Red

            return $results



    return $results


function CallAPI ($URL, $Header)


    $Collection = QueryData $URL $Header

    foreach ($Advistory in $Collection)



        $advisoryDetails = QueryData ("https://api.app.flexerasoftware.com/api/advisories/" + $Advistory.id +"/") $Header


        #Remove this and it will loop over the first $global:QueryLimit advistories and stop





$WebServiceHeader = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"

$WebServiceHeader.Add("Content-Type", 'application/json')

$WebServiceHeader.Add("Authorization", "Token YOURTOKENHERE" )

CallAPI  "https://api.app.flexerasoftware.com/api/advisories/" $WebServiceHeader