Data Collection Using the Staging Database Monitor
Use the Staging Database Monitor to specify the data that the SAP Admin module should collect from its dependent SAP systems and to start the data collection.
Each SAP Admin module collects data from its dependent SAP systems using RFC-enabled functions. If the Satellite transport is installed on the dependent SAP system, user data is collected using the function /LICMAN/BS_READ_TABLE. If the Satellite transport is not installed on the dependent SAP system, the function RFC_READ_TABLE is used to collect the user data. Consumption data is collected using the function SWNC_COLLECTOR_GET_AGGREGATES (regardless of whether the Satellite transport is installed).
The collected data is stored in a staging database on the SAP Admin module system. You use the Staging Database Monitor to specify the type of data that is collected. The SAP Inventory Agent connects to the staging database and loads the data into the FlexNet Manager Suite database.
FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)
2020 R2