Preparing the Databases

FlexNet Manager Suite 2022 R2 (On-Premises)

You have a clear understanding of your physical architecture for the installation (see Architecture and Operations), and have downloaded and unzipped the archive containing the adapter (see Obtaining the Adapter Components).

To prepare the databases:

  1. Determine where the intermediate database used by the adapter will reside, and log into that database server using an account that has DB Owner privileges.
    For details, refer back to Architecture and Operations.
    Tip: If the archive cannot be accessed from this database server, first copy the script (or both scripts for a common DB server) from this folder to a location accessible from SQL Server Studio. If you use copies of the scripts, modify the paths described below to suit.
  2. On this server, in Microsoft SQL Server Studio, create the intermediate database (suggested name AtriumIntermediateDB).
  3. Open a query window that is connected to your new database, and execute CreateIntermediateDatabase.sql (located in the unzipped archive, by default in C:\Program Files\Flexera\BMCAtriumAdapter\scripts).
    This SQL procedure creates the required tables and pre-populates some fixed values.
  4. If the intermediate database is on another server separate from your compliance database for FlexNet Manager Suite, switch over and log into the FlexNet Manager Suite database server, again using an account that has DB Owner privileges.
    You need access to the second SQL script here, so if necessary, copy the second script to this server before continuing.
  5. In Microsoft SQL Server Studio, navigate to and execute C:\Program Files\Flexera\BMCAtriumAdapter\scripts\FNMPDatabaseChanges.sql.
    This SQL script adds a custom property to the Details tab of computer properties in FlexNet Manager Suite where the machine's Role can be imported from BMC Atrium.
  6. On the server where the data extraction executable will run (likely, the Atrium server), open a command prompt, and navigate to C:\ProgramFiles\Flexera\BMCAtriumAdapter\FNMPExports\Utility.
    This executable requires .NET Framework 4.5 installed, a high-speed network access to the database(s), and an account trusted to access both the compliance database and the intermediate database. It must be callable by the Atrium Integrator. If need be, first copy the entire contents of the folder shown above (including subdirectories) to a convenient location on the appropriate machine.
    Tip: To validate that the host in correctly configured with .NET Framework 4.5 or later, execute
    FNMPDataExportUtility.exe /help
    A list of command-line options is displayed. If not, investigate the version of .NET installed.
  7. Execute the following (on a single line):
                              /Source "FNMP-DBConnectionString" 
                              /Target "IntermediateDBConnectionString" 
                              /Encrypt true
    Parameter Notes
    FNMP-DBConnectionString The connection string (enclosed in double quotation marks) for the export utility to connection with the compliance database for FlexNet Manager Suite.

    The Data Source value must be the fully-qualified domain name of the database server. Where the compliance database is not in the default instance on this server, add the instance name (separated by a slash).

    An example connection string when the default name for the compliance database is FNMSCompliance, is (all on one line):
    Initial Catalog=FNMSCompliance;Integrated Security=SSPI;
    Connection Timeout=60;Min Pool Size=2;Max Pool Size=20;
    IntermediateDB ConnectionString The connection string (enclosed in double quotation marks) for the export utility to connection with the intermediate database you recently created. An example connection string when this is on the same server and instance as the compliance database, and the default name for the intermediate database is IntermediateDB, is (all on one line):
    Initial Catalog=IntermediateDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;
    Connection Timeout=60;Min Pool Size=2;Max Pool Size=20;
    /Encrypt Required field. When set to true the connection strings are encrypted when they are saved into the configuration file for the export utility. Use false when not encrypting the connection strings. (The configuration file lives in the same folder as the executable, and is called FNMPDataExportUtility.exe.config).
  8. Configure where the export utility sends email notifications about any export errors.
    1. From the same folder, open FNMPDataExportUtility.exe.config in a flat text (or XML) editor.
    2. Locate the following section and replace the values shown:
      <appender name="SmtpAppender" type="log4net.Appender.SmtpAppender">
      	<to value=""></to>
      	<from value=""></from>
      	<subject value=" Atrium Integration Adapter Error"></subject>
      	<smtpHost value=""></smtpHost>
      Value Notes
      toaddress Valid email address for the person who is to receive alerts when errors occur during export.
      fromaddress Valid email address for an account known on the specified SMTP host that is identified as the sender of the email when an error occurs. The fully qualified domain name of the SMTP email server.
    3. While here, you may want to customize the location of the log file for the export utility:
          <appender name="RollingFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
            <file value="C:\Log.txt" />
    4. Save the edited file, and exit the editor.

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2022 R2