Adding Notes to a Catalog Item

You may want to document a special issue or event associated with a particular catalog item. To do this, you can add notes to a catalog item on the Notes tab of the Catalog Item Properties dialog box.

To add a note to a catalog item:

1. Under Catalog Management > Current Catalog Items, select the group that contains the catalog item you want to edit. The catalog items are listed in the right pane.
2. Double-click the catalog item that you want to edit. The catalog item’s Catalog Item Properties dialog box opens.
3. Open the Notes tab.
4. Click Add New Note. A pop-up dialog box opens.

5. In the Note text box, enter the text of the note.
6. Click Add Note. The note is now listed on the Notes tab, along with the name of the person who added the note and the date and time.

7. To view and edit a note, click Edit next to the note text. A drop down editing area appears below the note name.

8. Edit the text in the text box and click Update to save your edits.

See Also