Intune Publishing

Software Vulnerability Manager (Cloud Edition) can now publish SPS/ VPM patches to Microsoft Intune.

This new capability requires a new version of patch daemon, released as a part of SVM Toolkit that can be downloaded at SVMClientToolkitInstall.msi 

To publish patches to Intune, it will be necessary to configure patch daemon with valid Intune credentials and token. For more details, see Set up a Distribution Connection in Flexera SVM Patch Configuration for Microsoft Intune.

Once this is setup, you can use either Patch Automation or ActiveX to publish SPS/ VPM patches to Intune.

Note:Patch daemon convert the patch to intunewin format before publishing.

Note:The Patch Daemon may be installed on any workstation or server. There are two prerequisites:

Windows 10 RSAT must be installed which can be obtained here 
Windows 8.1 RSAT must be installed which can be obtained here 
Minimum version of .Net 4.7.2 must be installed.