All SaaS Users

The All SaaS Users page provides your Team Roster, a list of active team members within your organization pulled from your integrated Human Resources (HR) provider. Based on your HR Roster, team members are assigned a Group that includes their Department and Location. This user list will automatically update to reflect changes in your HR Roster. For details, see Tracking All SaaS Users.

Accessing All SaaS Users

To access the All SaaS Users page, go to the Organization menu and select All SaaS Users.

All SaaS Users Tasks

On this page, you can perform the following employee profile tasks:

Displaying an Employee’s Profile Information
Editing an Employee’s Profile Information

Note:SaaS Management maintains only one location and one department for each user.

Displaying an Employee’s Profile Information

There are two ways to view an employee’s profile information.

On the All SaaS Users page, click an employee’s email address in the Email column.
Click the toggle to open (>) the left-hand organization structure panel and click the appropriate Department or Location link. Then click the appropriate employee email address.

Editing an Employee’s Profile Information

To edit an employee’s profile information, perform the following steps.

To edit an employee’s profile information:

1. On the All SaaS Users page, click an employee’s email address to display an employee’s profile information, SaaS license usage statistics, and reports.
2. Click EDIT to edit an employee’s profile information.
3. Click SAVE.

All SaaS Users UI Overview

The following tables describe the All SaaS Users buttons, table columns, and usage statistics.

All SaaS Users Buttons
All SaaS Users Columns
All SaaS Users Usage Statistics

All SaaS Users Buttons

The following table describes the All SaaS Users buttons.



> or <

Click the toggle to open (>) or close (<) the left-hand organization structure panel.


When the organization structure panel is open, use the dropdown menu to toggle between your organization’s Department and Location listings.

Show Filters

Reveals columns that have search or filters.

Clear All

Clears search terms in grid column searches when data is filtered.

Export CSV

Exports a listing of All SaaS Users. When Group information is exported to a CSV file, each group has its own column.

All SaaS Users Columns

The following table describes the All SaaS Users table columns.



Employee Status

The values Active, Inactive, or Disabled are based on your organization’s HR Roster.

A user can be Inactive under the following circumstances:

User was once present in the HR Roster data from the HR provider, but no longer is.
User is still returned in the HR Roster list, but the HR provider has specified an “Inactive” date. This scenario will vary among HR providers as not all of them provide a user’s inactive date to SaaS Management.

An example of using the Disabled employee status is for users who are on a long-term leave.

Assigned Licenses

Represents the number of applications a user has access to. This number is also listed under the user’s Applications Accessed tab.

Inactive Licenses

Includes the following:

Any license assigned to that user that has not seen activity in the past 60 days or per your organization’s Setting Activity Thresholds 
Any assigned license where no activity has been recorded

Annual Spend

This is the application’s annual license cost. For applications with licenses that span over an 18-month, two-year, or three-year period, the annual spend is prorated.

All SaaS Users Usage Statistics

The following table describes a user’s SaaS license usage statistics found in the user profile.

Usage Statistic


Annual Spend

This is the total annual spend for all of the user’s assigned licenses.


This is the total number of the user’s assigned licenses.

Activity (Last 90 Days)

This usage statistic details a user’s usage patterns over the past 90 days. It details what actions were taken in the application, when that particular action occurred, and any notes about said access.

Click Show Filters to reveal columns that have search or filters.

Click Export CSV to export all application activity for a user from the last 90 days.

Applications Accessed

This usage statistic details all of the applications a user has licenses for or access to, when their accounts were activated or deactivated, and their last activity date with a particular application.

The Application column displays the application name for all of the user’s Assigned Licenses in the All SaaS Users page.

The Activated Date and Deactivated Date column information is from the Application Roster.

The Activated Date is the date the user was added to the Application Roster.
The Deactivated Date is the date the user was removed from the Application Roster.

The Last Activity activity column information is from the Application Access integration.

Utilization Graph (Last 60 Days)

This usage statistic displays an individual's usage patterns over the last 60 days.

Click anywhere on the graph to access the tools to edit the graph.