
AppDynamics is an application that focuses on managing the performance and availability of applications across cloud computing environments, as well as inside the data center.

The following sections explain prerequisites, resources, and instructions for integrating with SaaS Management.

Stored AppDynamics Information
Required Minimum Permissions for AppDynamics
AppDynamics Authentication Method
Required AppDynamics Credentials
Integrating AppDynamics With SaaS Management
AppDynamics API Endpoint

Stored AppDynamics Information

The following table describes the available integration task and stored data within [ProductName].

Available Integration Task

Information Stored

Application Roster

Display Name

Note:The information stored is subject to change as enhancements are made to the SaaS application.

Required Minimum Permissions for AppDynamics

The following permissions are required.

Note: For AppDynamics’ permissions details and explanation for creating a custom role, see the AppDynamics documentation topic, AppDynamics Roles and Permissions.



Integration Task Name

Administrator role and

custom role of Administration, Agents, and Getting Started Wizard

Enables you to access the API.

Application Roster 

Account Owner

Enables you to create the following roles:

Administrator role
custom role of Administration, Agents, and Getting Started Wizard.

Application Roster 

AppDynamics Authentication Method

The Basic authentication method is required.

Required AppDynamics Credentials

The following credentials are required:


Note:User credentials used in the integration setup should at least have the Administrator role with the custom role of Administration, Agents, and Getting Started Wizard permissions.

Integrating AppDynamics With SaaS Management

Complete the following steps to integrate AppDynamics with SaaS Management.

To integrate AppDynamics with SaaS Management:

1. Add the AppDynamics application in SaaS Management. For more information, see Adding an Application.
2. Obtain the following information from AppDynamics:
API URL which is the Account URL without HTTPS. For example: 
Username which is entered in the following format: AdminUsername@AccountName.

For example, if your username is testuser and the account name is castro201907232023443, then the value will be testuser@castro201907232023443.

Password which is the AppDynamics user's password.
3. Copy and paste the AppDynamics information from step 2 into SaaS Management.
4. Click Authorize.

AppDynamics API Endpoint

Application Roster



https://<<accountURL>>/controller/api/rbac/v1/users/<<User Id>>