Adding an Application
The following topics are covered in this section:
Best Practice:It is recommended to first integrate your Human Resources (HR) provider. To see which applications have integrations, see the list of SaaS Management’s prebuilt integrations in Application Task Tracking. If you want to request an integration, contact your Flexera account manager.
Adding an Application to Your Organization’s List of Managed SaaS Applications
Important:The Administer SaaS role or the Manage SaaS applications & users role is required to add an application. For complete descriptions of each role available in Flexera One, see Flexera One Roles.
Technopedia is the source for the available SaaS applications on the Managed SaaS Applications page. Complete the following steps to add a managed SaaS application in SaaS Management.
To add an application to your organization’s list of Managed SaaS Applications:
From the SaaS menu, click Managed SaaS Applications. The Managed SaaS Applications page opens. |
Click Add Application. The Add Application page opens. |
If you wish to filter the list of managed SaaS applications that are directly integrated with SaaS Management, select the Direct Integrations Only checkbox. |
Click the card of the application you wish to add. The application’s slideout opens. If you do not see the SaaS application you wish to add, you can ingest your SaaS data using a CSV file or API. For more information, see SaaS Management Resources. You can also contact Flexera Support. |
Enter any Tags for the application. This field is optional. |
Complete the integration of this application at a later date by clicking Save. For details, see the topic “Authorizing an Integration at a Later Date” in Authorizing a SaaS Integration. Once your application is saved, the application’s Overview tab opens. |
Click Authenticate Integration to integrate this application now and complete the remaining steps in this section for the application’s slideout. The content of the application slideout varies by application. The following steps describe the more common features of the application slideout. |
Note: When adding a Salesforce managed application, click Authenticate Integration to enter the Salesforce instance and user type information.
If the application slideout has an Activity Threshold field, select the desired number of days of inactivity to determine when an application’s user is displayed as Inactive within SaaS Management. |
The default activity threshold is 60 days. After selecting your activity threshold, this value will appear in the application’s Overview tab and adjust your usage data for all application activity throughout the SaaS Management interface.
For applications directly integrated with SaaS Management, you can customize the activity threshold at a later date to 15, 30, 60, 90, or 120 days. For details, see Setting Activity Thresholds.
Select the appropriate Integration Tasks. |
For the Product Consumption integration task: |
Enter the information for the following fields in the application’s Consumption Details slideout, which is used to populate the Consumption Tab of the SaaS Application Details page: |
Note:For a list of SaaS integrations that can enable the Product Consumption integration task, see the Application Task Tracking chart.
Initial Ingestion of SaaS Activity Data
When a new integration is created within SaaS Management, typically 30 days’ worth of historical SaaS activity data is retrieved from the application. Exceptions to the initial 30-day period are noted within the individual integration instructions. Activity data is tracked for active, inactive, and never active users. For a description of these terms, see Common User Activity Terms Found in SaaS Management Help.
The following scenarios describe the SaaS activity data that is available for each time period:
SaaS Activity Data Immediately Available after Initial Integration
You will immediately see the following SaaS activity data in the SaaS Management UI:
Users that have logged in within the last 30 days appear as Active. |
Users that have not logged in within the last 30 days appear as Never Active. |
Inactive users appear as 0. |
SaaS Activity Data after 30 Days
After 30 days, 60 days of SaaS activity data displays in the SaaS Management UI, as explained in the following formula.
first 30 days + 30 elapsed days = 60 days of data
After 30 days, you will see the following SaaS activity data in the SaaS Management UI with 60 days as the selected activity threshold:
Users that have logged in within the last 60 days appear as Active. |
Users that have not logged in within the last 60 days appear as Never Active. |
Inactive users appear as 0. |
SaaS Activity Data Beyond the Activity Threshold
Users that have not logged in since the selected activity threshold appear as Inactive in the SaaS Management UI.
Example: 60 days is the selected activity threshold
Users that have logged in 61 days ago but not since, appear as Inactive in the SaaS Management UI.
Adding New Applications to Technopedia
If you would like a new SaaS application added to our Technopedia catalog, you need to complete a Technopedia support ticket with the following information.
On the Open new case page, complete the following fields. |
The Product field should be set to Data Platform Technopedia. |
The Version field should be set to Technopedia (installer) 5.5.0. |
In the Case summary field, enter the application name and version (if applicable) to be added. |
Example: Please add Microsoft Office 365 version n.n
In the Description field, enter the product information and include a reference of where to find information pertaining to the product being requested. For details, see the following example. |
Product name—Office 365 |
Reference—www.<insertwebaddresshere>.com |
Upload any needed documents for your case before saving it. You will receive an email with the case number. |
Flexera Support support will follow up on your case and take the appropriate action. |