Options for Integrating AppExchange Within the Salesforce Workspace
The following options describe how to integrate new and existing AppExchange integrations within the Salesforce Workspace in SaaS Management.
Option 1: Your Organization Has an Existing Salesforce Integration but No AppExchange Integration
Add the AppExchange permissions Download AppExchange Packages and Manage Package Licenses to the account used for your Salesforce integration. |
Reauthorize and enable the AppExchange integration task in the Salesforce instance (org) you want to add the AppExchange integration to. |
Choose the AppExchange packages you want to manage for your organization within SaaS Management. |
Option 2: Your Organization Has Existing Salesforce and AppExchange Integrations and You Want to Create a New AppExchange Integration
Add the AppExchange permissions Download AppExchange Packages and Manage Package Licenses to the account used for your Salesforce integration. |
Enable the AppExchange integration task in the Salesforce org you want to add the AppExchange integration to. |
Choose the AppExchange packages you want to manage for your organization within SaaS Management. |
After verifying that your managed AppExchange packages for the new AppExchange integration are saved within SaaS Management, you can deactivate the previous AppExchange integration and its associated packages. |
Option 3: Your Organization Has Existing Salesforce and AppExchange Integrations and You Want Flexera to Create a New AppExchange Integration
In the support ticket, specify the managed SaaS application ID of the Salesforce org and AppExchange instance to be linked. To find this information, go to SaaS > Managed SaaS Applications. The Applications column in the Managed Applications page lists your organization’s AppExchange instances. |
Example: For AppExchange instance AppExchange-SF-Org-987654, 987654 is the managed SaaS application ID of the associated Salesforce org.
Flexera will associate your organization’s existing AppExchange integration data and the new AppExchange integration with your organization’s existing Salesforce integration. The resulting AppExchange data will be available in the AppExchange Tab for the Salesforce All Orgs View. |