Salesforce All Orgs View
For further details, see:
• | Salesforce All Orgs Data Updates |
• | Overview Tab for the Salesforce All Orgs View |
• | Orgs Tab for the Salesforce All Orgs View |
• | User Licenses Tab for the Salesforce All Orgs View |
• | Consumption Licenses Tab for the Salesforce All Orgs View |
• | AppExchange Tab for the Salesforce All Orgs View |
• | Marketing Cloud Tab for the Salesforce All Orgs View |
• | Users Tab for the Salesforce All Orgs View |
Salesforce All Orgs Data Updates
Some examples that would cause the data in the Salesforce All Orgs view to update in 1 hour include, but are not limited to, the following:
• | Changing a license definition |
• | Adding or removing users in a HR Roster |
• | Receiving users’ last login |
Overview Tab for the Salesforce All Orgs View
The following table describes the features for the Overview tab of the Salesforce All Orgs view. These features are in addition to those listed in the Users Tab for all SaaS applications.
Note:It may take up to 1 hour for data to update in the Overview tab for the Salesforce All Orgs view.
Feature |
Description |
Connected Orgs |
This is the total number of Salesforce orgs that are connected to SaaS Management. |
Successfully Updated Orgs |
This is the total number of Salesforce orgs that have all their integration tasks running successfully. Integration tasks run at least nightly. There are many reasons an org may not update correctly. The most common reason is expired credentials. Ensure all your Salesforce orgs are correctly updated. If an org is not updated correctly, it will make some metrics inaccurate. |
All Accounts |
This is the number of accounts from all connected Salesforce orgs. Note:This number includes the following community and partner user licenses:
Activity Status |
The Activity status graph shows for all Salesforce orgs the sum total and percentage of active, inactive, and never active users. The activity status is calculated based on the user’s last login date and the activity threshold set for your Salesforce orgs. For example, if the selected threshold is 60 days, anybody whose last login date is within 60 days will be active users. Anybody whose last login date is beyond 60 days will be inactive users. For those who do not have a last login date, they are never active users. For more information, see Setting Activity Thresholds. Note:Users with the following community and partner user licenses are excluded:
Activity Status Slideout Overview Clicking the Active users, Inactive users, and Never active users bar graph or links in the Activity Status widget opens an Activity Status slideout. The slideout includes the selected activity status, the total number of users with that activity status, and a breakdown of that selected activity status by Org and the number of Org users. Activity Status Slideout Data Drill Through
Days Since Last Activity |
The Days since last activity graph shows for all Salesforce orgs the total number of users whose last activity date falls between the preset date range. Note:Users with the following community and partner user licenses are excluded:
Days Since Last Activity Slideout Overview Clicking a particular activity threshold date range bar in the Days Since Last Activity widget opens a Days Since Last Activity slideout. The slideout includes the selected activity date range, the total number of users with that activity date range, and a breakdown of that selected activity date range by Org and the number of Org users. Days Since Last Activity Slideout Data Drill Through
Activity Status Over Time |
The Activity Status Over Time graph shows for all Salesforce orgs over a 30-day, 1-year, or 2-year period the total number of active, inactive, and never active users. When 1 year or 2 years is chosen, each data point will be taken from the first day of each month. Note:Users with the following community and partner user licenses are excluded:
Activity metrics are generated for each day within the past 30 days and for each first of the month before that going back to the oldest active date for a user on the application roster. If no usage events were recorded before a particular date, the active user count would be zero for that day. For example, your activity threshold is 15 days, and you have someone on the application roster with an active date of June 28, 2019. For every first of the month, for every user, SaaS Management looks at recorded usage events and asks how many of them happened within the past 15 days of the day in question. Each user with a usage event count greater than zero is an active user. When an integration is initially set up and only 30 days of usage events are pulled in, SaaS Management still asks on the first of each month how many recorded usage events happened within the past 15 days. However, no events would be recorded for most of those days, so the active user count would be 0. |
Orgs Tab for the Salesforce All Orgs View
The Orgs tab for the Salesforce All Orgs view provides an overview of managed licenses, assigned users and user activity status by org name and org ID. For more information, see the following table.
Note:Users with the following community and partner user licenses are excluded:
• | Customer Community Login |
• | Customer Community Plus Login |
• | Partner Community Login. |
Column Name |
Description |
Application |
This is the name of the managed SaaS application instance (that is, Salesforce org instance) that is displayed in the Application column of the Managed SaaS Applications page. The Application display name can be modified by clicking the Application column link in the Orgs tab of the Salesforce All Orgs view, which takes you to the Overview tab of the individual Salesforce Orgs view. Click the Application Details link, which opens the Application Details slideout. In the Application Details slideout, click the Edit button to edit the Display name field. Then click Save. |
Org Name |
The Org Name may relate to a division or geographic area of the Company field. Example: Salesforce EMEA |
Org ID |
This is the Org ID entered in the Salesforce contract. |
Managed Licenses |
This is the number of managed Salesforce licenses in SaaS Management by org. |
Assigned Users |
This is the number of assigned Salesforce users by org. |
Active/Inactive/Never Active Users |
This column provides a bar chart along with the numbers of active, inactive, and never active Salesforce users by org. |
Data Used/Data Total (GB) |
The data storage minimum per org and data storage allocation per user license is based on your organization’s Salesforce Edition. For more information, see the Salesforce Help section, Data and File Storage Allocations. |
File Used/File Total (GB) |
The file storage minimum per org and file storage allocation per user license is based on your organization’s Salesforce Edition. For more information, see the Salesforce Help section, Data and File Storage Allocations. |
Community Logins (30 Days) |
This count represents the number of community logins within the last 30 days. Login-based licenses are purchased for users who infrequently access customer communities. |
User Licenses Tab for the Salesforce All Orgs View
The User Licenses tab for the Salesforce All Orgs view provides an overview of Salesforce user licenses by name, category, number remaining, and number assigned by org name and org ID. For more information, see the following table.
When the Group By License Name box is checked, the user licenses data table is grouped by the License Name column. An aggregated row of the Salesforce user license name is displayed, together with aggregated numbers of Remaining and Assigned user licenses from multiple Salesforce orgs.
Column Name |
Description |
License Name |
This is the Salesforce user license name provided by Technopedia or a customer-provided license name if the SKU is not available in Technopedia. License Name Data Drill Through If the Group By License Name box is checked, clicking the arrow before the aggregated License Name displays a list of License Details pages for each Salesforce org. Clicking the Application link opens the License Details page for the Salesforce org. For more information, see the Salesforce License Drill Through View. |
Application |
This is the name of the managed SaaS application instance (that is, Salesforce org instance) that is displayed in the Application column of the Managed SaaS Applications page. The Application display name can be modified by clicking the Application column link in the User Licenses tab of the Salesforce All Orgs view, which takes you to the Overview tab of the individual Salesforce Orgs view. Click the Application Details link, which opens the Application Details slideout. In the Application Details slideout, click the Edit button to edit the Display name field. Then click Save. |
Org Name |
The Org Name may relate to a division or geographic area of the Company field. Example: Salesforce EMEA |
Org ID |
This is the Org ID entered in the Salesforce contract. |
Category |
The column refers to the nonconsumption Salesforce license categories: user license, permission set license, and feature set license. |
Remaining |
Based on the license contract, this column displays either:
Assigned |
Based on the license contract, this column displays either:
Consumption Licenses Tab for the Salesforce All Orgs View
The Consumption Licenses tab for the Salesforce All Orgs view provides an overview of Salesforce consumption-based licenses by name, usage date, quantity remaining, and quantity consumed by org name and org ID. For more information, see the following table.
Column Name |
Description |
License Name |
Displays the Salesforce consumption-based license name provided by Technopedia or a customer-provided license name if the SKU is not available in Technopedia. |
Application |
Displays the name of the managed SaaS application instance (that is, Salesforce org instance) that is displayed in the Application column of the Managed SaaS Applications page. The Application display name can be modified by clicking the Application column link in the Consumption Licenses tab of the Salesforce All Orgs view, which takes you to the Overview tab of the individual Salesforce Orgs view. Click the Application Details link, which opens the Application Details slideout. In the Application Details slideout, click the Edit button to edit the Display name field. Then click Save. |
Org Name |
May relate to a division or geographic area of the Company field. Example: Salesforce EMEA |
Org ID |
Displays the Org ID entered in the Salesforce contract. |
Resource ID |
Displays the unique identifier for the resource object. |
Usage Date |
Displays the most recent date and time when Salesforce took a snapshot of your org’s usage for this resource. |
Frequency |
Displays the frequency of how often consumption-based Salesforce licenses are replenished. Examples: Once, Monthly, or Quarterly |
Remaining |
Based on the license contract, this column displays either:
Consumed |
Based on the license contract, this column displays either:
AppExchange Tab for the Salesforce All Orgs View
The AppExchange tab displays when at least one individual Salesforce org has enabled the AppExchange integration task when Integrating a Salesforce Workspace Within SaaS Management. Go to the Salesforce Integration tab to confirm whether the AppExchange integration task has been enabled. Within the AppExchange integration task row of the Integration Tasks table, ensure Enabled is displayed in the Action column. To enable the AppExchange integration task, see Integrating a Salesforce Workspace Within SaaS Management.
After the AppExchange integration task is enabled, complete the following steps to manage the AppExchange package data that displays within the AppExchange tab. The same steps apply at the Salesforce All Orgs View and the Individual Salesforce Org View.
To manage the AppExchange packages displayed within the AppExchange tab:
1. | In the upper-right corner, click Edit to open the Installed AppExchange Packages slideout. This slideout displays the installed AppExchange packages from the Salesforce Portal. |
2. | Select the Installed AppExchange Packages you wish to manage. Unselected packages will not be shown in SaaS Management. For future reference, you can click the download icon to download the list of managed packages. |
3. | Click Save. |
4. | When the Update Managed Packages? dialog opens, click Continue. For newly added packages, it may take up to 24 hours to populate the data in the AppExchange tab. When complete, a List of Managed AppExchange Packages appears in the AppExchange tab with your selected packages. |
Managed AppExchange package listings include the following information:
• | Package name |
• | Salesforce org assigned to the AppExchange package |
• | Clickable icon in the upper-right corner of the list card links to the Overview tab for the AppExchange package (Example: PSA Core). Managed AppExchange packages are also displayed for each user in a single row for the AppExchange column of the Users Tab for the Salesforce All Orgs View and the Individual Salesforce Org View. Multiple packages are separated by commas. Unmanaged packages are not displayed. |
If your organization’s AppExchange package data does not appear in the AppExchange tab, see the following troubleshooting table.
Scenario |
Description |
The AppExchange tab is not displayed. |
The AppExchange integration task is disabled. |
No Managed Packages icon displays in the AppExchange tab. |
Select AppExchange packages to manage from the Installed AppExchange Packages slideout. |
No Users Data icon displays in the AppExchange tab. |
The AppExchange package data has not finished populating. If data does not appear after 24 hours, contact Flexera support. |
5. | For further analysis, select one AppExchange package from the Managed AppExchange Packages list. Click the download icon in the package’s users table to download the user information to a CSV file. |
Marketing Cloud Tab for the Salesforce All Orgs View
The Salesforce Marketing Cloud tab opens after enabling at least one stand-alone integration with Flexera One’s SaaS Management. For more information, see the Salesforce Marketing Cloud integration instructions.
Within the Salesforce Workspace, the Salesforce Marketing Cloud tab enables you to view your entire organization’s Salesforce Marketing Cloud contact consumption.
Note:The Salesforce Marketing Cloud tab is not available at the Individual Salesforce Org View.
Users Tab for the Salesforce All Orgs View
After you complete the steps in Integrating a Salesforce Workspace Within SaaS Management, the integration pulls in Salesforce field information into the SaaS Management Users tab for the Salesforce All Orgs view. The following table describes the Salesforce field information. See the Users Tab for field descriptions that apply to all integrations with SaaS Management.
Column Name |
Description |
Username |
This is the user’s email address assigned in Salesforce. Users Slideout Clicking a user’s username link opens the users slideout. The view more user details link takes you to the Administration > SaaS Settings > Organization > All SaaS Users page and displays the user’s All SaaS Users Usage Statistics. For users with activity data:
For never active users:
User ID |
This User ID is assigned in Salesforce. Users may be assigned to multiple Salesforce organizations and may have multiple usernames. However, a user is assigned a unique User ID. |
Alias |
This is the user’s alias in Salesforce. |
User License |
This column is populated based on the licenses assigned to the user. |
Permission Set License |
This column is populated based on the licenses assigned to the user. |
Feature Set License |
This column is populated based on the licenses assigned to the user. |
AppExchange |
This column lists your organization’s managed AppExchange packages in SaaS Management for each user in a single row. Multiple packages are separated by commas. If at least one Salesforce org has the AppExchange integration task enabled in the Integration Tab, then the AppExchange column and the users’ AppExchange package values display in the Users tab of the Salesforce All Orgs view. For Salesforce orgs that have the AppExchange integration task disabled in the Integration Tab, the AppExchange column displays -. Unmanaged packages are not displayed in the AppExchange column. To update your organization’s list of managed AppExchange packages, see the AppExchange Tab for the Salesforce All Orgs View. |
Last Activity |
This is the same field as Last Login Date in Salesforce. |
Days Since Last Activity |
This column is populated in minutes with either the:
Important:For the Last Activity, Activities (60 days) and the Activity Status columns, SaaS Management pulls in data from Salesforce. When SaaS Management first integrates with Salesforce, only the last 30 days of activity is pulled in. In contrast, the Days Since Last Activity column data is directly from Salesforce and may include historical activity data that is greater than the last 30 days. |
User Type |
There are two major types of user profiles in Salesforce: Standard and Custom. Salesforce provides standard profiles. Custom profiles are created by users based on specific requirements. |
Role |
The role defines what data a user can see, based on hierarchy, in Salesforce. |
Profile |
The profile defines the user’s Salesforce permissions. |
Locale |
The locale settings define the language of the user’s Salesforce user interface and the display formats for information such as time, date, and currency. |
Company |
This is the organization name entered in the Salesforce account. |
Application |
This is the name of the managed SaaS application instance (that is, Salesforce org instance) that is displayed in the Application column of the Managed SaaS Applications page. The Application display name can be modified by clicking the Application column link in the Users tab of the Salesforce All Orgs view, which takes you to the Overview tab of the individual Salesforce Orgs view. Click the Application Details link, which opens the Application Details slideout. In the Application Details slideout, click the Edit button to edit the Display name field. Then click Save. |
Org ID |
This is the Org ID entered in the Salesforce contract. Clicking the Org ID link takes you to the Overview tab for that org. |
Org Name |
The Org Name may relate to a division or geographic area of the Company field. Example: Salesforce EMEA Clicking the Org Name link takes you to the Overview tab for that org. |
Account Created Date |
This is the date, month, and year the user’s account was created in Salesforce. |