Importing SaaS Data into FSM Data Ingestion Utility: CSV File or API?

The ingestion method for SaaS application data can vary by vendor. Not all SaaS vendors provide relevant API for ingesting SaaS data. Some SaaS vendors may provide relevant API, but only for a limited data set. For example, a SaaS vendor may provide relevant API for user roster data but not user license data.

The FSM Data Ingestion Utility has a flexible workflow for ingesting SaaS vendor data via a CSV file and API. The following table explains which SaaS data ingestion method scenario may work best for your organization.


SaaS Data Ingestion Method

The SaaS application has preconfigured settings for ingesting and processing SaaS usage data as documented in Preconfigured SaaS Applications Within the FSM Data Ingestion Utility.

You can ingest your SaaS application data via API into FSM Data Ingestion Utility as described in the application’s README file. For a list of SaaS applications with preconfigured settings for ingesting and processing SaaS usage data, see the KB article Flexera SaaS Management Data Ingestion Utility.

I can export all of my organization’s SaaS application data using a CSV file.

You can ingest your SaaS application data via a CSV file into FSM Data Ingestion Utility as described in Scheduling CSV Jobs in FSM Data Ingestion Utility.

The SaaS application vendor provides API to ingest all of my organization’s data.

You can ingest your SaaS application data via API into FSM Data Ingestion Utility as described in Scheduling API Jobs in FSM Data Ingestion Utility.

The SaaS application vendor only provides API to ingest my organization’s user roster.

Flexera recommends a two-part SaaS application data ingestion process.

1. Ingest your organization’s user roster data into FSM Data Ingestion Utility as described in Scheduling API Jobs in FSM Data Ingestion Utility.
2. Save your organization’s SaaS application license details in a CSV file. Ingest the license details into FSM Data Ingestion Utility as described in Scheduling CSV Jobs in FSM Data Ingestion Utility.