FSM Data Ingestion Utility Settings

After successfully Generating a Refresh Token, go to the Settings page (Settings > Settings) and complete the following tasks.

Viewing and Editing the Refresh Token
Viewing Audit Logs

Viewing and Editing the Refresh Token

On the Settings page, you can view and edit the following settings:

Refresh Token 
Database Locations 
Enable Debugging 

After entering any necessary edits, click Save.

Viewing Audit Logs

The audit logs display all the activity happening in the application at a defined time.

The path of the audit logs is C:\ProgramData\FlexeraIngestionUtility\Flexera_Log_Directory 

Note:The path of the audit logs is not configurable.

To view the FSM Data Ingestion Utility audit logs:

1. Go to the Settings page (Settings > Settings).
2. Select the Audit Logs button.
3. Click Close when done. For details, see the following Audit Log Viewer screenshot.