All Containers page redesigned

Note:This enhancement is available with IT Asset Management.

Provided that you have enabled collecting inventory from containers, the All Containers page lists inventory collected from two kinds of containers:

Docker containers managed by the Docker Engine
OCI containers managed by Kubernetes.

Until now, this page was a tree view, but it has now been reworked as a flat listing of:

Containers (each with its source image, its pod [for Kubernetes], host or node, and the cluster where these operate)
Pods without containers (as shown in FlexNet inventory), where the container column remains blank but other details remain
Images from which there are currently no containers running (as shown in FlexNet inventory), in which case the container column and the pod column both remain blank.

However, for those who really liked the tree view, the page has default groupings on:

The Cluster name
The Container host (a column which also displays the worker node in a Kubernetes cluster)
The Image ID identifying the image from which the container was instantiated.

The default groupings keep a similar appearance, and much of the useful functionality, of a tree view, with the added advantage that you can remove the groupings when they are not helpful.

As well as the changed layout, the available columns have also been revised, with several new columns added for extra transparency and detail. For more information, see the updated Flexera One Help for the All Containers page.