Bulk Importing Existing Usage Data

To import existing usage data, use the bulkimport command of the flexnet_man_dir/flexnet utility. This command imports report logs that you may have accumulated prior to installing FlexNet Manager for Engineering Applications.

In FlexNet Manager for Engineering Applications, the bulkimport command does the following:

Writes a catalog entry (for each report log) to the FlexNet Manager for Engineering Applications database.
Parses the report logs and puts the data into the FlexNet Reporting database, where FlexNet Manager for Engineering Applications can access it.


flexnet bulkimport -uusername -ppassword -ffolder [-ccustomerid] [-sserver] [-r]

The parameters in [brackets] are optional.

Note:If the value for the -uusername, -ppassword, or -ffolder parameter contains a comma, semicolon, or ampersand (&), enclose the value in double quotes (“”).


bulkimport Parameters




Specifies the FlexNet Manager for Engineering Applications user to run this command. The user must be assigned a role with the Bulk Import Report Logs permission.

Enclose the value in double quotes (“”) if it contains a comma, semicolon, or ampersand (&).


Specifies the password for user. For the user admin, the password is admin.

Enclose the value in double quotes (“”) if it contains a comma, semicolon, or ampersand (&).


A directory containing report logs, with .rl extensions. If folder names contain embedded spaces, enclose them in double quotes.

To specify an individual report log, provide the report log file name.

Enclose the value in double quotes (“”) if it contains a comma, semicolon, or ampersand (&).


Specifies the URL for the FlexNet Manager for Engineering Applications Admin server, which must be an https connection.

For example:


This is an optional argument. If no argument is specified, then the server is assumed to be:<admin server port number>/flexnet


Specifies whether the folder should be processed recursively. Recursive processing means that FlexNet Manager for Engineering Applications will search any subdirectories of folder for report logs to be imported.

To process folder recursively, append any of the values true, yes, or 1 to -r (for example, -ryes) or do not specify an argument. If no argument is specified, folder is processed recursively.
To prevent recursive processing, append any of the values false, no, or 0 to -r (for example, -rno).


To import all of the usage data in report logs in a particular directory, type:

flexnet bulkimport -uadmin -padmin -f”directory with report logs”

See Also