Creating Report Log Definitions

To enable FlexNet Manager for Engineering Applications to report on non-FlexNet license usage, you create report log definitions that describe the structure of the usage events. FlexNet Manager for Engineering Applications uses this definition to parse usage event data contained in report logs when they are imported.

To add a report log definition:

1. From the Reporting tab, under Report Log Definitions, click Create Report Log Definition to display the Add Report Log Definition page.
2. In the top section, provide the following information. Required settings are identified by a red asterisk (*).




Unique name for the report log definition.

License System

The license system for which you are creating this report log definition. Choose one of the predefined options or choose a Custom option if the license system is not listed.

After you choose a license system for a report log definition, the license system option is removed from this list and cannot be used for future report log definitions.

File Extension

The file extension that is used for the report logs.

FlexNet Manager for Engineering Applications uses the file extension to determine which report log definition it must use to parse the report log file when it is imported.


Specifies what is used to delimit data contained in the report log file.

The maximum delimiter size is five.

Each Item Value Double Quoted

Select this check box if all of the item values in the report log are in double quotes. Values must be in double quotes if any of the values in the report log contain delimiters. This includes values in the header, feature list, usage events section, and footer.

For example, if your report logs use commas as delimiters and one of the values contains a comma, then all values in the report log must be enclosed in double quotes.

If a value contains double quotes, it must be escaped with a backslash (\).
For optional items, if the values do not exist, double quotes with empty values are required.

See Formatting Common Report Log Files for information on how the report log file must be formatted. See Common Report Log Examples for an example.

Event Matching Rule

Specifies how FlexNet Manager for Engineering Applications should match license-grant and license-release events in the report log.

Duration—Matches the value (license-grant timestamp minus duration) to the license-release timestamp of events that have the same feature name, feature version, user name, and user host, to determine whether the events match. If you choose Duration, you must specify a column number for the Duration property (in the Properties section).
Transaction ID—Matches license-grant and license-release events where the transaction ID is the same. If you choose Transaction ID, you must specify a column number for the Transaction ID property (in the Properties section).
3. In the Usage Event Data section (bottom of the page), specify where usage event data is located in the report log file. To do this, specify the Column Number in the report log in which the usage-event property’s value is contained. The listed properties will be imported to FlexNet Manager for Engineering Applications (if they exist in the report log file); all other properties contained in the report log file are ignored.

For some properties, additional information about how the value is formatted in the report log file is required. Provide this information in the “Format of Data in Report Log” field. Required settings are identified by a red asterisk (*). Click the sample links at the top of the section to view examples.

Most properties are self explanatory; however, some require you to identify how the information is formatted or identified in the report log:

Date/Time n—In the report log file, the date/time must be expressed in GMT. In the “Format of Data in Report Log” field, specify the format of the date and time using Java patterns. At minimum, Date/Time 1 is required, but if the license event’s date/time information spans multiple columns, you can specify which columns contain which date/time information by using multiple Date/Time fields.

For information about the Java date and time patterns, see Oracle’s documentation page:

Example using only Date/Time 1

Example using all Date/Time fields

Event Type—Specify the value used to indicate whether a license event is a license grant (or check-out), a license release (or check-in), or a denial. If you have multiple event types that indicate license grant or license release (for example, if one event type indicates a borrowed license), you would convert all license grant and release events to be simple license grant and release events, then use the Reason ID field to indicate the nature of the event.

For example, you might have event type 1 as a license grant and event type 5 as a borrowed license grant. When you generate your report logs, you would map event type 5 to event type 1, but specify a reason ID for borrowed license grants in the license event (and specify the Reason ID column when creating your report log definition). When FlexNet Manager for Engineering Applications parses the data for that license event, it looks at the Reason ID column to determine whether the license grant is a simple license grant or a borrowed license grant.

Number of Licenses—The number of licenses involved in the usage event—checked out, checked in, or denied.

In the report log file, this value must be a positive integer.

Duration—If you chose “by Duration” for the Event Matching Rule setting, you must specify the column number of the Duration property.

In the report log file, this value must be a positive integer that specifies the duration in seconds.

Transaction ID—If you chose “by Transaction ID” for the Event Matching Rule setting, you must specify the column number of the Transaction ID property. In the report log file, this value must be a positive integer.
Reason ID—This property is used in conjunction with license grant (checkout) or license denial events. In the report log file, this value must be one of the Reason ID numbers provided in the following table.

Reason ID







No such feature exists.


Feature has expired.


Request for more licenses than this feature supports.


Not authorized to use this product.

Process ID—In the report log file, this value must be a positive integer.
4. Click Save.

See Also