Agent Third-Party Deployment: Checking the Installed Version

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

You may need to verify the installed version of FlexNet Inventory Agent on a managed device, either for manual checking or as part of a scripted solution. You can inspect the version in the web interface for IT Asset Management; or you can dig deeper (including programmatically). As expected, the methods for digging deeper depend on the operating system on the managed device.

In the web interface

If the managed device has already reported inventory, you can inspect the results as follows:
  1. Go to the All Inventory page (Inventory > Inventory > All Inventory).
  2. On the All Inventory page, use searching or filters to find the managed device of interest, and click its Name to open its properties.
  3. Select the Applications tab, and filter for Inventory Manager Agent. The installed version appears in the Version column.
    Tip: Ignore the FlexNet Agent listing, which is for a separate entity.
The version shown is the friendly name (such as "2016 R2"). If you need to know major/minor version numbering, click through the Product value to reach the application properties, select the Evidence tab (with its default presentation for Installer evidence), and inspect the Version values for the evidence. Although typically wildcarded to match multiple builds, these show the major and minor numbering of the installer evidence that can produce the application record.

For managed devices on Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows Installer does not offer a simple command to list the version of an installed package.

However, you can check the registry. The installed version of the FlexNet Inventory Agent is stored in
(on 64-bit machines) or
(on 32-bit machines). This contains a string version showing major, minor, and build numbers (such as 11.04.19).

For managed devices on UNIX and OS X systems

While these platforms do not have a registry, you can still inspect registry preferences in /var/opt/managesoft/etc/config.ini. (This is populated from the bootstrap file /etc/managesoft.ini during installation.) Look for the following section in config.ini:

Note: The format of the version number is different on UNIX-like systems than on Windows. Versions internally are numbered with four integers, a, b, c, and d. On Microsoft Windows, these are presented as a.bc.d (b and c are not separated) but on UNIX-like systems, they are presented as a.b.c (with the final integer unavailable). This variation means that the example given here for UNIX-like systems is the same release number as shown above for Microsoft Windows.

This config.ini file remains available even after the FlexNet Inventory Agent is uninstalled (as noted in Agent Third-Party Deployment: Uninstalling FlexNet Inventory Agent from UNIX).

In addition, on UNIX-like systems, there are command lines available for checking the installed version of a package. You can use the following command lines on each of the platforms:
Platform Version inspection command line


lslpp -l managesoft.rte

Debian Linux x86 and x86_64

dpkg-query -W managesoft

Mac OS X

grep "ManageSoft " /Library/Receipts/ManageSoft.pkg/Contents/Info.plist

RPM Linux x86 and x86_64

rpm --query managesoft

Solaris x86 and SPARC

pkginfo -l ManageSoft

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
