Workflow Summary
This overview explains how the components of FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications interact. For information about the individual components of FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications, see the FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications User Guide PDF.
The SAP Admin module connects to its dependent SAP systems using RFC-enabled functions, and collects user and consumption data. The collected data is held in a staging database on the SAP Admin module. (An SAP landscape can contain more than one SAP Admin module, each with its own dependent SAP systems.) The SAP Inventory Agent reads the data and transfers it to the IT Asset Management database. IT Asset Management analyzes the data and determines the optimal license position, based on a combination of license-assignment rules and duplicate-user rules that you have configured. The resulting recommendations are staged on the IT Asset Management server from where they are imported into the SAP Admin module.
In the SAP Admin module, the SAP administrator can review the recommended changes. She decides which recommendations she wants to accept and sets the license types as suggested. When the SAP administrator updates the license types, the SAP Admin module then accesses the user primary records on its dependent SAP systems and updates them accordingly.
SAP systems that are not connected to the SAP Admin module are referred to as independent SAP systems. The SAP Inventory Agent accesses and collects the user primary record information from these systems via Remote Function Call (RFC). The data can be analyzed in SAP mode in IT Asset Management in the same way as data of dependent SAP systems. For information on remediation on independent SAP systems, see Remediation on Independent SAP Systems in the FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications User Guide PDF.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)