IBM RVU (license type)
Unlike a Custom Metric license, an IBM RVU license is also a points license, and has sets of points rules attached for many different measures. Different rules from the appropriate set are applied to provide volume discounts for the Metric resource being measured.
For example, if the measured resource is Per Premium Income ($US Billions) , one rule may specify 100 points consumed for the first billion, while others scale down to a mere 10 points per billion once you are measuring more than $15 billion in income.
- 100 points/billion for the first half billion (50 points)
- 130 points/billion for the second half billion (65 points)
- 74 points/billion for the range 1-2 billion (74 points)
- 46 points/billion for the range 2-3 billion (0.2 x 46 = 9.2 points).
Special case: Managed Activated Processor Cores
One metric available for RVU licenses is Activated Processor Cores, which IBM generally refers to as Managed Activated Processor Cores (MAPC). The RVU MAPC is a special case because, like PVU licenses, it introduces the concept of the highest number of RVUs consumed by a licensed application (either on a physical device, or for sub-capacity licensing, on a VM) – that is, management over time becomes important.
- You may use ILMT to calculate the RVUs; and if you want to see your RVU license details along with all other licenses listed in IT Asset Management, copy the results from ILMT to the Resources consumed field in the Identification tab of the license properties.
- If you have the extended license from IBM allowing you to use IT Asset Management for sub-capacity IBM PVU license calculations (in place of
ILMT), you can use the following process:
- Create an IBM PVU license (not a typo) and link it to the product being licensed with RVU MAPC points.
- In the Identification tab of the license properties for this license, use the Points rule set field to search for, and then select, the MAPC points rule. This rule consumes 1 point for each core (with all other settings matching any value). Because PVU licenses track historical values to record the peak in the reporting period, this license now records the highest number of cores (tracked as equivalent points).
- When ready (such as at the end of the reporting period), copy the total points from the PVU feeder license into your matching RVU license. The RVU license automatically applies the appropriate tiers to your core counts.
For more information about RVU MAPC licensing, see
Product use rights | Downgrade rights, upgrade rights; both for record keeping purposes, with no effect on any calculations. |
Group assignment | Not supported. |
Consumption |
License points, derived thus:
Included |
Points assigned by the applicable points rule selected from the set attached to the license. |
Compliance |
Compliant when Consumed is less than or equal to Total licensed. |
Changing from |
Points rules will be deleted. Scoping rules will be deleted. Allocations to computers may be deleted. |
Changing to |
You will need to define one or more points rules. You may want to allocate the license to computers. |
IT Asset Management (Cloud)