Column Layout of Import Files

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

The import files for a transaction profile must have the following column layout. If any of the columns is missing, the import will fail.

Column Description
Transaction Profile Name

The name of the transaction profile into which objects are imported.

For imports using the Transaction Profile: name page:

  • All objects are imported and assigned to the transaction profile into which they are currently imported. This is regardless of the value that was entered in the Transaction Profile Name column.

For imports using the business importer:

  • Existing transaction profiles with the same name as the value specified in the Transaction Profile Name column will have any new objects added to them.
  • If no transaction profiles with the same name as the value specified in the Transaction Profile Name column exist, they will be created and objects are assigned to them.
  • If no value was entered in the Transaction Profile Name column, no transaction profile is created and no objects are added to any existing transaction profiles.
Object Name

The name of the object that should be added to the transaction profile. The wildcards * and ? are allowed.

If this column is left blank, data in this row will fail to import.

Object Type

The type of the object. Supported values are:

  • T: Transaction
  • R: Report
  • J: Job
  • N: Non-SAP object

If you want to provide multiple values, separate them using a semicolon (;), for example, T;R;J;N.

If this column is left blank, the object is imported, but its ObjectType column will be blank.

Exclude From Profile

Indicates whether this object should be excluded from the profile. Supported values are Y (Yes) and N (No).

If this column is left blank, the object is imported, and its value is set to the default value N (No).


Optional description of the object.

System Landscape Name

When you import a file using the Transaction Profile: name page, this column is ignored.

When you import a file via the business importer, this column should contain the name of the system landscape that contains the transaction profile into which data is imported, or in which the transaction profile should be created.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
