Importing Objects into a Transaction Profile
FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications enables you to import a list of objects into a transaction profile. Files can be imported using the IT Asset Management interface (as described below), or using a tool called Business Importer (MGSBI.exe) that is installed with IT Asset Management and uses factory-built or custom “business adapters” to import business-related data. For information on the Business Importer, see the Using FlexNet Business Adapters PDF available through the title page of online help.
You can import object lists into an empty transaction profile or into a transaction profile that already contains objects. Objects can be imported independently of whether inventory data has already been collected from SAP systems.
When you import objects into a transaction profile that already contains objects, note the following:
- Existing objects that have the same transaction profile name and object name (Transaction Profile Name and Object Name fields in the import spreadsheet) as the objects that are imported are updated. That is, the ObjectType, ExcludeFromProfile and Description fields in the IT Asset Management database are overwritten with the values from the import spreadsheet.
- Existing objects with a different transaction profile name and object name are not affected by the import, and are added as new objects to the transaction profile.
- Objects that are duplicates (that is, objects that exist both in the transaction profile and in the import file, or objects that appear more than once either in the import file or in the transaction profile) will be overwritten so that the transaction profile will contain only one instance of an object.
Preparing your import file
Your import file must comply with following rules:
- The list must be a comma-separated file (.csv) or a Microsoft Excel workbook (.xls or .xlsx) that adheres to a specific column layout, see Column Layout of Import Files
- For Microsoft Excel workbooks, the sheet within the workbook must be named TransactionProfile.
How to import objects into a transaction profile using the Transaction Profile page:
IT Asset Management (Cloud)