Changing Enterprise Structure

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

You can set up different kinds of groups within your enterprise (for example, corporate units, locations, cost centers, and categories). Within each kind of enterprise group, you can create a hierarchical structure that represents your enterprise. You can then assign computers, users, assets, licenses, purchases, and contracts to those groups. For example, you can assign a user to a specific location, corporate unit, and cost center. Note that these groups are not assigned automatically: you must do it manually when adding or editing the properties of the user, license, or other database object.

You can create, edit, or delete corporate units, locations, cost centers, or categories, using the page listing the appropriate kind of enterprise group.

To add (or edit or delete) an enterprise group:

  1. In the IT Asset Management main menu, select Enterprise, and then click either Corporate Units, Locations, Cost Centers, or Categories.
    The appropriate page opens that lists the current groups of your chosen kind.
  2. If necessary, use the + icon, to the left of a group name, to expand the hierarchy.
    Your goal is to find the enterprise group to work on. If you plan to add a new group, you must find the parent group within which your new group belongs.
  3. For adding a new group: in the Actions column for the parent group, click .
    A new row appears below the parent group where you can add your new child group. Editable fields appear within the new row.
    Tip: If an enterprise group has been added by someone within your enterprise, you can instead:
    • Edit its details by clicking
    • Delete it and all its child subsidiary groups by clicking .
    These icons (and their associated actions) are not available for enterprise groups supplied as standard within IT Asset Management.
  4. Enter the name of your new group in the Name column.
    Remember to keep the name meaningful when it appears alone in other listings.
  5. Optionally, include a note in the Description field that further explains the purpose of this enterprise group.
    Tip: Remember that the description is included in a search for any terms you enter in the search field (above the table), when you are trying to locate a particular enterprise group.
  6. Click .
  7. If this enterprise group is a location, you may also optionally assign it to one of the three mandatory regions into which IBM divides the world for reporting consumption of IBM PVU license points: select the row for the location, and click Assign IBM region to select the appropriate geographic region.
    When all of the following are true within the reporting period for IBM PVU license consumption:
    • IT Asset Management is responsible for sub-capacity PVU points consumption (see IBM High-Frequency Scanning)
    • An inventory device is 'owned' by a location (see the Ownership tab on the inventory device properties)
    • That same location is linked to an IBM region, as described here
    • The inventory device has software installed that is linked to an IBM PVU license (so that the inventory device appears on the Consumption tab of the license properties)
    then the PVU points calculated as consumption by that device are included in the regional calculation of peak consumption within the reporting period.
The new enterprise group displays in its table row. Because this enterprise group is locally created, it also displays the icons for deletion and editing, as well as the ability to add a new child below the one you have just created.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
