Replication Tab
By default, when an inventory beacon successfully uploads a file to its parent (which may be another inventory beacon in the hierarchy, or the central application server), the local copy of the file is deleted. This simple house-keeping helps to manage disk space on the inventory beacon.
However, there are occasions, especially during troubleshooting, when it is convenient to examine the contents of an uploaded file. Rather than having to try to catch the file in the brief interval between when it is received (for example, from an inventory device) and when it is uploaded to its parent, you may configure file replication on the inventory beacon. This saves a copy of the uploaded file in your preferred folder for a period of time that you can specify.
This functionality must be individually configured on a specific inventory beacon (that is, there is no centralized configuration covering multiple inventory beacons available through the web interface).
To configure file replication on an inventory beacon:
IT Asset Management (Cloud)