Container Scanning
IT Asset Management
The FlexNet Inventory Agent, when enabled, has the ability to collect details of
Docker and Podman images and containers on your local and cloud-based network.
Application inventory is collected from running containers, using zero footprint inventory collection (for more details about this method of inventory collection, see
the Gathering FlexNet Inventory guide, available through the title page of online help as a PDF,
or online from
Note: By default, FlexNet Inventory Agent does not
collect any inventory from Docker or Podman images or containers. These
capabilities must be enabled, as described below.
Once enabled, the
capabilities of FlexNet Inventory Agent include:- Responding to the instantiation of a container from its base image
- Event-based container scanning identifies the status of each container
- Performs a one-time zero footprint inventory collection of application(s) on running containers, and hence identifies software installed in the image from which the container was instantiated
- Collects image ID, repository tags, and repository digest information.
To enable inventory collection for Docker images and containers:
To enable inventory collection for Podman images and containers:
IT Asset Management (Cloud)