Oracle Java Scanning
IT Asset Management
Using either a User license type or an Oracle Processor license
type, Oracle Java may be licensed in either of two ways:
- It may consume from its own license
- It may be covered by a license for a 'parent' application, such as Oracle SQL Developer, so that it does not consume from its own license.
- Set the Import detailed evidence check box on the General tab of the application properties
- Ensure that only file evidence is attached to the application for recognition (with no installer evidence or WMI evidence attached)
- Declare the file path(s) on target devices where that file evidence is installed in the Exemption by file path listing, in the Exemptions section of the Use Rights & Rules tab of the linked license
- Set the Enable collection of Oracle Java audit data check box on this page, as described below
- Set the Include Oracle Java check box (on the Inventory tab of the IT Asset Management Settings General page), which allows the uploaded data to be incorporated into the archive, ready for submission when an audit is required. You may also control data obfuscation in the audit archive (see System Settings: Inventory Tab).
Once enabled, the FlexNet Inventory Agent can collect the appropriate inventory using
- The FlexNet Inventory Agent installed locally on the device where the Oracle Java is running
- The zero footprint inventory collection method, where the main part of the FlexNet Inventory Agent (ndtrack) is temporarily downloaded from a nearby inventory beacon, executed, and subsequently removed.
Tip: IT Asset Management is verified by Oracle for collection and
reporting of inventory for Oracle Java.
In normal operation, both the
previously-mentioned check boxes should be selected, and left 'on' forever. However,
it is possible that, while rolling out this functionality, you want to turn on the
data collection now for testing and inspection; and only include the results in the
audit archive when you have adequate agent coverage of the relevant servers, and
have configured all the required licenses. Tip: This data collection
requires FlexNet Inventory Agent version 18.4.0 or later. Earlier versions of
the FlexNet Inventory Agent simply ignore the setting, and so may continue to be
used in other environments where Oracle Java is not in play.
To authorize collection of Oracle Java inventory:
IT Asset Management (Cloud)