Executing Connections

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

Inventory collection can be triggered automatically or manually.

Any SAP connection (and resulting imports) configured to run on an inventory beacon will be executed each time an appropriate data gathering schedule triggers the collection of SAP inventory data on the inventory beacon. For information on creating a schedule, see Creating a Data Gathering Schedule.For information on creating a schedule, see Creating a Data Gathering Schedule in the IT Asset Management online help.

It is also possible to execute a connection manually, by clicking a button in the FlexNet Beacon interface.

To manually execute a specific SAP connection and collect inventory data:

  1. On the inventory beacon, from the Windows Start menu, run FlexNet Beacon.
    Note: To run FlexNet Beacon, you must have system administrator rights.
  2. In the Data collection section, click SAP systems.
  3. Select the connection you would like to execute, and click Execute now.

>IT Asset Management (Cloud)
