Transferring or Removing Licenses, Hardware Assets, and Responsibilities from a User

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

You can transfer the user's software licenses, hardware items, and responsibilities by re-assigning them to another user. You can also choose to remove, that is, dissociate these licenses, and so on, from a user account.

You can transfer, or remove, 2 types of items independently of each other:
  • Responsibilities (listed on the Responsibilities tab of the user account's properties) the user has been assigned. Note that a user can be responsible for someone else's license, but not necessarily consuming that license, that is, using the license app or software.
  • Software licenses and hardware items, assets and devices, that are listed on the Hardware and Software tabs (for example, when transferring the licenses from a former employee to a new one). Note that if a user is responsible for a license, and also using that licensed app or program at the same time, it is listed both on the Responsibilities and Software tabs.
Tip: To see if any licenses, hardware, or responsibilities have been assigned to a user, select that user, click Open, and click one of the 3 respective tabs listed above.

To transfer or remove licenses, hardware assets, and responsibilities from a user:

  1. Go to the All IT Asset Users page.
  2. Select a user whose licenses you want to transfer or remove, and click Handover.
  3. From the Handover action to perform drop-down list, choose one of the following options, Transfer or Remove:
    • Transfer
      1. The new control, Transfer from username to, displays.
      2. Enter all or part of the target user's name and click Search. For more details about searching for users, see To Use a Fly-Down.
      3. Select the target user account on the list.
      4. In the top right corner, click Select user to view the list of the original user’s resources and responsibilities appears.
        Tip: You can expand, or collapse, items on the list, and select the ones to transfer. To select everything linked to a user, select the check box next to a higher-level, parent row that includes all of its child rows (located on the table's header). Alternatively, you can select any higher-level row to delete all of the items it contains.
      5. Select the license, responsibility, or hardware asset that you need to transfer.
      6. Click Save.
      7. To finalize the change, click OK.
      8. Scroll down, and click Close
    • Remove
      1. Select a software license, hardware asset, or responsibility.
      2. Click Save.
      3. In the confirmation message dialog box, click OK.
      4. Scroll down, and click Close.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
