Devices - Inventory Devices Tab
The inventory devices tab displays any physical and virtual devices linked to this application, typically because inventory has reported that the application is installed on these devices.
- Inspect the properties of any device in the list by selecting the device and clicking Open, or simply clicking the device name.
- Override the value of the Inventoried cloud license model
for inventory devices by selecting one or more devices for which
Hosted in cloud displays
Yes, clicking the Assign cloud
license model button to expose the drop-down list of possible
values, and choosing the required one (see details in the list below). The
change is immediately displayed in the Overridden cloud license
model column. Remember to click Save to
commit your change(s). Your overridden value is used in forthcoming license
consumption calculations (in the nightly license reconciliation process).Restriction: These restrictions apply to the Assign cloud license model button:
- It is only visible to operators in a role which grants the Modify an existing application permission on the application object.
- It is only available on those applications which are eligible for the BYOL cloud license model.
- It is disabled by default, and remains disabled if any device is selected for which Hosted in cloud displays No (that is, the device is located on-premises), even in a mixed set of devices.
- The button is enabled only when you select one or more devices in the list, all of which display a Hosted in cloud value of Yes.
The following columns (listed alphabetically) are available in this list of inventory devices. Some are displayed by default, and others are available in the column chooser.
Column | Description |
Assigned user | The user assigned to this inventory device. This assignment overrides the Calculated user. Editable in the Assigned field in Ownership tab of the inventory device properties. |
Calculated user | The name of the most frequent
user of this inventory device, over the previous 10 inventory collections. This value is
calculated as follows:
The value of this field is automatically generated by IT Asset Management. Not available when any of the following is true:
Category | The category of this device. IT Asset Management enables you to create customized categories to group inventory devices logically. These categories are additional to Inventory device type and Device role categorization. For example, you can create categories to differentiate database servers, network servers, or firewalls. The custom categories have no impact on license consumption. Editable in the General tab of the inventory device properties. |
Chassis number | The manufacturer's chassis number reported for the device. Editable in the General tab of the inventory device properties (for manually-created records). Not available for Mobile Device and Virtual Machine inventory device types. |
Discovery date | Indicates the earliest date that this application is known to have been
installed on the device. The application's discovery date is retrieved from:
Domain name | The name of the domain to which the computing device
Tip: Records fabricated for special purposes display
special values:
Editable in the General tab of the inventory device properties for manually created records. The value is overwritten (permanently) by incoming inventory, and thereafter is read-only. |
Hosted in |
Shows whether the inventory device is on-premises (the default, meaning the device is within your enterprise), or in a cloud operated by a particular service provider. For some cloud service providers (like AWS and Azure), the Hosted in value is set automatically through inventory. For other cloud service providers, you must make a selection manually. |
Hosted in cloud |
Displays No when the Hosted in column displays On-premises, and otherwise displays Yes when the device is hosted in the cloud supported by any provider. This column makes it easier to filter the list of devices to show all your virtual devices hosted by all the cloud service providers you use. For details about filtering, see Adding a Simple Filter. |
Instance | Information in this column is relevant only if the application is an Oracle® database. If so, the name of a database instance installed on the device is displayed. |
Inventoried cloud license model |
May show the kind of cloud licensing reported in inventory. In many
cases, this value remains blank, and is only populated with a value
for inventory devices that have been identified through the Azure
connector, and only when you have configured the devices within
Azure to take advantage of the Azure Hybrid Benefit. Possible values
Inventory device type | Specifies the type of the inventory device, which may be any of the
following values:
Editable in the Inventory device type field in the General tab of the inventory device properties. The value may be overwritten by incoming inventory. |
Last used date | If reported by an inventory tool, this column contains the last date
when this application was used. The column is blank when either:
Licensable | Displays Yes when the installation of this application on the device should consume license entitlements (the usual case). May display No for certain Oracle applications, either because they are not licensable on any computer (as with certain Oracle options), or because an installation has satisfied any of a series of Oracle requirements for non-licensable installations. Not editable. This is a calculated field. |
License name | This column shows the name of a license from which the installed application consumed an entitlement (during the most recent reconciliation). If the License name column is blank, the installation on that device is unlicensed (and requires some remedial action on your part if Yes is displayed in the Licensable column). License consumption is recalculated dynamically at each reconciliation. This means that, if the application is linked to more than one license, the license name can change for any device if there is a significant change in your computer estate from one inventory import to the next. |
Name |
The name of the inventory device linked to this record. Click to open the properties of the inventory device. |
Overridden cloud license model |
Where this shows a value, it has been set by an operator using the
Assign cloud license model button to
modify the Inventoried cloud license model
(described above). While that button allows any of the values to be
set, the practical values to choose are:
Used | Yes is displayed in this column if the most
recent inventory indicated that the application was used, according to the parameters you
configured on the Usage tab of the application
properties. No is displayed in any of the following cases:
IT Asset Management (Cloud)