Contracts Tab
You can use this tab to view, add, or remove the contracts and payment schedules linked to an asset.
The following properties (listed alphabetically) are displayed on the list of related contracts and payment schedules and in the search fly-down. Some are displayed by default, and others are available in the respective column choosers. You may sort or filter on these columns as required.
Column | Details |
Auto link to assets and licenses |
While this value is Yes, as any licenses or hardware assets linked to the contract (after the creation of the payment schedule), they are automatically also linked to the payment schedule. (Links can be adjusted manually afterwards.) While No, links must be managed individually from the beginning. Set when the payment schedule is created, and then editable in the General tab of the payment schedule properties. |
Category |
The category of a contract. Depending on your needs, you can add custom
hardware and software categories: Go to the IT Asset Categories page and click the plus icon
![]() Remember: If your organization's operators are scoped by a
category, then any records they create are automatically, without any warning message,
categorized to an operator's highest-level category. If you choose to set up and use
categories for your contracts, it might be safer to leave most operators unscoped for
categories, except those whom you intend to limit to creating records only within their
Tip: For information about adding new categories, see Changing Enterprise Structure.
Editable in the General tab of the contract properties. |
Contract no. |
The identifying code for the contract. Editable in the Contract no. field in the General tab of the contract properties. |
Contract/Payment schedule | Displays either the Description for the contract, or the Name of any attached payment schedule. |
Corporate unit, Cost center, or Location |
The name of the related enterprise group. Selectable in the Ownership tab of the contract properties. |
Created by |
The account name of the operator who created the contract record, reflected on the History tab of the contract properties. |
Creation date |
The date that the record of the contract was created, reflected on the History tab of the contract properties. |
Evergreen |
Displays Yes when the contract has no end date, and continues in perpetuity. Displays No when the contract expires at some point. Editable in the General tab of the contract properties (in the Events group). |
Expiry date |
The date on which the terms of the contract end. Editable in the General tab of the contract properties (in the Events group). |
Global amount (currency) |
The overall value of the contract. Editable in the General tab of the contract properties (in the Payments group). |
Master contract no. |
The identifying code for the parent contract (if any) that governs or over-arches this one, making this a sub-contract. Editable in the Master contract field in General tab of the contract properties (in the Identification group). |
Next renewal date |
The due date for the next renewal of this contract. Editable in the General tab of the contract properties (in the Events group). |
Payment schedule frequency |
How often periodic payments fall due. Set when the payment schedule is created, and then not editable. |
Payment schedule metric |
The measure (such as per machine) for which the payment amount applies. Set when the payment schedule is created, and not editable thereafter. |
Payment schedule term |
The timing of each payment (periodically in advance or in arrears; or a prepaid lump sum). Set when the payment schedule is created, and then not editable. |
Primary vendor |
The main company with which you concluded this contract. The Primary vendor value is editable in the General tab of the contract properties (in the Identification group). |
Replaced by |
The new contract which has superseded this one. Not directly editable: must be updated as the Previous contract field of the superseding contract. |
Replaces |
The old contract that was superseded by this one. Editable in the General tab of the contract properties (in the Identification group) as Previous contract. |
Review date |
The date (if any) when the terms and conditions of this contract are next due for review. Editable in the General tab of the contract properties (in the Events group). |
Start date |
The effective date of the contract, when its terms first apply. Editable in the General tab of the contract properties (in the Events group). |
Status |
The current standing of this contract. The following options are provided: Active, Archived, Cancelled, Completed, Draft, Expired, and Suspended. Editable in the Status field in the General tab of the contract properties. |
Type | Depending on which row you are reading, this displays either the Contract type (editable in the General tab of the license properties) or the Payment schedule type (set when the payment schedule is created). |
Updated by |
The account name of the operator who last updated this record (as reflected in its History tab). |
Updated date |
The date and time when this record was last updated (as reflected in its History tab). |
IT Asset Management (Cloud)