Discovered Access Evidence

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

The Access evidence tab on the Discovered Evidence page displays the access evidence records discovered within your organization. IT Asset Management uses the access evidence to determine which server applications (that require CALs) have been accessed from one or more devices, by one or more users. For more information on access evidence, see Access Evidence.

Available actions

You can perform the following actions on the listed evidence records:

Available columns

This page displays the following columns (listed alphabetically). Some columns are displayed by default and others can be displayed through the column chooser. To manage columns and other UI options, see the topics under Managing Columns in a Table.

Note: The Save view as feature of IT Asset Management enables you to create customized management views of a page by saving the applied user interface settings. For more information, see Creating Saved Views.
Name Details

Displays Yes when the evidence is matched to at least one application, and otherwise displays No. This assignment may have been done automatically through the Application Recognition Library rules, or manually by the operator.


The edition of the server application that was accessed from a client device, as reported by the access evidence.

Indicates the total number of times that this access evidence record was matched by the most recent inventory import. For example, If two different instances of Microsoft SQL Server (on different servers) were accessed (by one or more users through one or more devices ) for 10 and 5 times each, and the access evidence in the imported inventory matches this record, this field will display 15.
Note: A figure displayed in the Matches column may not reflect the actual number of access attempts. These figures may be different for the following reasons:
  • Multiple items within the same inventory can match one evidence rule. For example, if the version in a rule is generalized as "1.%", then the evidence for releases 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 all count as separate evidence matches; but they may all resolve to the same accessed server application.
  • While some inventory tools count duplicate computer records as having separate instances of evidence, FlexNet Manager Suite automatically merges duplicate records, and so will only count the application once.
The name of the access evidence record, derived from (and often identical to) the name of the application being accessed. Access evidence found in incoming inventory that matches this evidence record count as access to the linked application.
Tip: Clicking the hyperlink on the Name value opens the properties for that piece of access evidence. In those properties, selecting the Devices tab lists all the inventory devices where that access evidence has been reported in inventory.

The name of the publisher of the accessed server application, as reported by the access evidence.

The source of this access evidence rule:
  • Flexera — The access evidence is identified in the Application Recognition Library, and is linked to the application identified there.
  • Flexera (Extended) — The evidence is identified in the Application Recognition Library, and an operator also marked this access evidence as ignored, or linked different application(s) to the record.
  • Local — The evidence record was created either by spreadsheet import or by the FlexNet Inventory Agent, and does not exist in the Application Recognition Library. You can edit or delete this record.

The version of the accessed server application as reported by the access evidence.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
