Unrecognized Evidence

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
The Unrecognized Evidence page displays the evidence records discovered through the inventory process, but not assigned (or linked) to applications. When the Application Recognition Library is unable to link a discovered evidence to one or more application records, the evidence is marked as unrecognized evidence and the Assigned property is set to No. These are likely to be any of:
  • Evidence records created by the FlexNet Inventory Agent to account for access evidence discovered but unmatched in the current Application Recognition Library
  • Evidence imported from the Flexera Data Platform (currently as imports from Normalize v5) that as yet have no matching records in the Application Recognition Library (ARL).
  • Evidence records you created through a spreadsheet import.
The evidence records displayed on this page are not used in license compliance calculations. A recommended practice is to review the evidence records on this page, and manually link the relevant evidence records to the appropriate application records.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
