IT Asset Management License

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
The IT Asset Management License page displays the details of your IT Asset Management license, as well as the product options that you are entitled to use.
Important: In order to view the IT Asset Management License page, the Configure operators of FlexNet Manager Platform access right must be enabled for the role(s) assigned to the operator's account. IT Asset Management supports role-based access control. When you assign a role to an account, IT Asset Management assigns the access rights contained in the assigned role to that account. You can assign an operator's account to one or more roles.
This page has the following two sections:
  • License details
  • Licensed products.

License details

This section displays the following details of your IT Asset Management license. You can click the Contact us to renew or update link to send an email to the Flexera sales team.

Property Description

The name of the tenant when you are using Software as a Service (SaaS) implementation of IT Asset Management.

Product version

The version of IT Asset Management covered by the license.

Subscription renewal due

The day after your current IT Asset Management subscription expires.

Release number

The internal part number for the installed version of IT Asset Management. The four-part number includes major release, minor release, patch, and build numbers.

Sharing anonymized ARL data with Flexera Software

Indicates whether your enterprise is anonymously sharing unrecognized installation details with the Flexera Application Recognition Library (ARL) database. This assists in the process of continuous improvement of automatic application recognition.

ServiceNow integration enabled

Indicates whether integration with ServiceNow is enabled.

FNMP API Integration enabled

Indicates whether the web API access to IT Asset Management is enabled. This allows integration between IT Asset Management and other products from Flexera.

Licensed products

This section displays the following statistical information about the number of devices managed through IT Asset Management:
  • Total number of devices licensed — The total number of devices of all applicable kinds that you can manage using this IT Asset Management license. This number depends on your license agreement with Flexera. The number includes servers, desktop computers, mobile devices, and virtual machines. It excludes remote devices.
  • Client licenses — A client device is a device not running a server operating system.
    • Number of client devices licensed — The number of client devices that you can manage using this IT Asset Management license. This count is included in the Total Number of devices licensed.
    • Number of active client devices — The number of client devices currently being managed by IT Asset Management. Both virtual and physical devices are counted while calculating this number. For example, if a physical host is hosting four virtual machines, the total number of active devices is five. Click the linked value to open the Active Inventory page.
    • Number of client licenses available — The number of additional client devices that you can manage using this IT Asset Management license. This is the mathematical difference between Number of client devices licensed and Number of active client devices.
  • Server licenses — A server device is a device running a server operating system.
    • Number of servers licensed — The number of server devices that you can manage using IT Asset Management. This count is included in the Total Number of devices licensed.
    • Number of active servers — The number of server devices currently being managed by IT Asset Management. Click the linked value to open the Active Servers page.
      Note: Exceeding the number of servers licensed requires additional server licenses, otherwise it can lead to non-compliance. However, client devices can exceed their licensed count as long as the total licensed device count is not exceeded, while the exceeding client devices will consume server licenses.
    • Avg. active containers (90 days) — The number of containers being managed by IT Asset Management, averaged over the past 90 days. You can click the count value to view a chart displaying the daily active container counts over the past 90 days.
      Note: The calculated number of server licenses consumed by active containers is also displayed in the parentheses. Every 10 containers consume one server license. For example, 800 active containers consume 80 server licenses, while 198 active containers consume 20 server licenses.
    • Number of server licenses available — The number of additional server devices that you can manage under the current license (that is, the spare capacity for servers on your current license). This is the mathematical difference obtained by subtracting the Number of active servers, the number of server licenses consumed by active containers, and the number of exceeding client devices from the Number of servers licensed.
This section also displays a series of license "cards" for the products you are entitled to use within IT Asset Management. A card is always present for FlexNet Manager for Clients, the base product on which IT Asset Management is built. These additional products are available:
  • FlexNet Manager for Datacenters — Click the Details link to view a list of the server based products that you can manage under the current license, and any additional products that are supported by this license but which you are not currently licensed for.
  • FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications
  • Service Life Data Pack.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
