Minimum Processors

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

Enter or spin up the minimum number of processors required by the license.

This limit may apply for some licenses when the software is installed directly on a server, and may also apply to virtualized environments. For virtual environments, you may need to distinguish between licenses that count the processors on the host machine, and those which count the processors assigned to the virtual machine. This also relates to the One licensed host allows unlimited VM installations option, available in the Rights on virtual machines and hosts section of the Use rights & rules tab.

  • When One licensed host allows unlimited VM installations is set, this Minimum processors control refers to the processors on the host computer.
  • Otherwise, the processors available to a virtual machine will be used to assess that machine for consumption of this license. Consumption across all VMs on a host is summed.

Only available for Microsoft Server Processor licenses.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
