Discovery and Inventory Actions

FlexNet Manager Suite 2019 R1 (On-Premises Edition)
You can create a Discovery and inventory action to discover devices, and collect inventory from all discovered devices. It is the recommended method of inventory collection when you need to collect discovery and inventory information (including the services) from the devices within the scope of the underlying target(s) and inventory beacon(s). You can select the required discovery method from the Discovery of devices section, and the tasks you need to perform on the discovered devices from the Tasks for services discovery and inventory gathering section. You must select at least one discovery and one inventory collection method for this type of action. See the following tables for details of the available discovery and inventory options.
Note: FlexNet Manager Suite uses different processes to collect inventory from Oracle Database and Oracle VM infrastructure.
For direct gathering of Oracle inventory by an inventory beacon, you need to configure a specific database user on the target Oracle Database server. This account must be a member of the OS-specific ORADBA group; have at least read access to all necessary database tables; and be registered in the Password Manager on the appropriate inventory beacon. Also, the listener password must be recorded in the Password Manager on the appropriate inventory beacon when all of the following conditions apply (and is not otherwise required):
  • The Oracle Database version is earlier than 12c
  • The listener actually has a password
  • You have selected the Network scan method for device discovery.
For more information, see the Oracle Discovery and Inventory chapter in the FlexNet Manager Suite 2019 R1 System Reference PDF, available through the title page of online help.

Discovery of devices section

This section manages processes for discovering devices (physical or virtual machines) on your network. (There are separate controls in later sections of the page to control the discovery of services that may be running on those devices.)

Control Description
Network scan
Enables FlexNet Manager Suite to discover devices specified by the underlying targets. With this option selected, each inventory beacon uses ICMP echo (ping) to discover targeted devices within its assigned subnet, and then connects to the devices using the specified ports (including the ports specified in later sections of the page). For example, if the defined target has two different subnets with a total of 5000 devices, the discovery process:
  1. Scans the network to connect to the target devices that are within the subnets assigned to inventory beacon(s)
  2. Discovers the services specified in the underlying action on each discovered device, using the specified ports.
  3. Collects hardware and software inventory from the discovered devices that are defined by the specified target and in a subnet assigned to the inventory beacon, according to the inventory collection options set in the underlying action.
FlexNet Manager Suite adds default port numbers when you select this option.
  • You may edit the existing entries to suit your environment.
  • Use the + icon to add another field to enter an additional port or range of ports.
  • To enter a range of ports in a single field, separate the first and last values with a dash (hyphen), such as 2483-2485.
  • To delete one of the fields, use the x icon to its right.
Note: You must specify at least one port to discover each service specified in the rule's action.
Microsoft Computer Browser service
Enables FlexNet Manager Suite to discover devices in your network through Microsoft Computer Browser Service. With this option selected, FlexNet Manager Suite discovers all available devices and performs service discovery and inventory collection (if selected) only on the devices within the scope of the underlying target and inventory beacon(s). Microsoft Computer Browser Service returns the names of discovered devices and each inventory beacon performs a reverse DNS lookup to get the IP address of devices within its assigned subnet. You can select this option separately, or with other discovery option. Selecting this option prolongs the discovery and inventory gathering process.
Note: When you discover target computers through the Microsoft Computer Browser Service option, all devices within your network (including those out of the scope of the underlying targets) are discovered and their details are populated in the All Discovered Devices page. The service discovery and inventory collection (if selected) is performed only on the devices that are within the scope of the underlying target(s) and inventory beacon(s).
TNSNames file for Oracle databases

Allows FlexNet Manager Suite to connect to Oracle Database servers using the TNSNames.ora configuration file. With this option selected, FlexNet Manager Suite collects discovery information for all Oracle servers specified in the TNSNames.ora file (including devices that are out of the scope of the underlying target(s)) but the inventory collection is performed only on devices that are within the scope of the underlying target(s). The TNSNames.ora file is present in the TNSNames repository folder on the inventory beacon. The default path for this repository is C:\ProgramData\Flexera Software\Repository\TNSNames. This file may have been copied from an Oracle output, or generated by the OEM adapter.

Use previously discovered devices
Enables you to collect service information from the devices that have been discovered already, without scanning the entire network once again. This option is helpful in getting up-to-date information about the services running on devices that have been discovered already. For example, to discover if Microsoft Hyper-V or Oracle Database is running on any computer that has been previously discovered in a particular network subnet.
Note: If this is the only discovery option selected and no devices have been discovered already, the rule will not return any results.

Tasks for services discovery and inventory gathering

The expandable areas (sometimes called accordion folds) in this section combine controls to manage both the discovery of services, and the collection of inventory, grouped under the types of data that can be collected.

Expand Control Description
General hardware and software inventory Gather hardware and software inventory from all target devices
Enables FlexNet Manager Suite to collect hardware and software inventory through the applicable inventory beacon.
  • If you want to adopt devices when the discovery and inventory rule associated with this action runs, at least one of the inventory-gathering options on this page must be selected. (For details about adoption, see Creating a Target.)
  • With this option selected, FlexNet Manager Suite automatically collects SQL Server and Hyper-V inventory.
VMware infrastructure Discover VMware infrastructure
Enables FlexNet Manager Suite to discover VMware hypervisors and identify the virtual machines they control. When you select this option, FlexNet Manager Suite adds 80 and 443 as default ports to connect to VMware infrastructure.
  • You may edit the existing entries to suit your environment.
  • Use the + icon to add another field to enter an additional port or range of ports.
  • To enter a range of ports in a single field, separate the first and last values with a dash (hyphen), such as 2483-2485.
  • To delete one of the fields, use the x icon to its right.
Note: The VMware discovery works only if you specify the port numbers used in your VMware infrastructure.This discovery does not require that you have licensed the FlexNet Manager for Datacenters product. However, be aware that recognition of VMware applications (application name, version, and edition) works only when you have this product licensed.
  Gather VMware infrastructure inventory, with advanced recognition of VMware applications
Enables FlexNet Manager Suite to collect VMware infrastructure inventory through the FlexNet inventory agent. The VMware inventory works if you:
  • Specify the port numbers used in your VMware infrastructure.
  • Select the Gather VMware infrastructure inventory, with advanced recognition of VMware applications option.
It does not require that you have licensed the FlexNet Manager for Datacenters product. However, be aware that recognition of VMware applications (application name, version, and edition) works only when you have this product licensed.
Oracle VM infrastructure Discover Oracle VM infrastructure
Enables FlexNet Manager Suite to discover Oracle VM infrastructure. To use this feature, you must have a license for the FlexNet Manager for Datacenters product. When you select this option, FlexNet Manager Suite adds 7002 and 7001 as default ports to connect to Oracle VM infrastructure. You can change the default ports or add more as your infrastructure requires.
  • You may edit the existing entries to suit your environment.
  • Use the + icon to add another field to enter an additional port or range of ports.
  • To enter a range of ports in a single field, separate the first and last values with a dash (hyphen), such as 2483-2485.
  • To delete one of the fields, use the x icon to its right.
  Gather Oracle VM infrastructure inventory

Enables FlexNet Manager Suite to collect Oracle VM infrastructure inventory.

Microsoft Hyper-V Discover Microsoft Hyper-V

Enables discovery of Hyper-V servers by FlexNet Manager Suite through the selected discovery method(s). To use this feature, you must have a license for the FlexNet Manager for Datacenters option.

  Gather Microsoft Hyper-V hardware and software inventory

Enables FlexNet Manager Suite to collect Microsoft Hyper-V infrastructure inventory.

Citrix Xen Desktop environments Discover Citrix XenDesktop environments

Enables FlexNet Manager Suite to discover XenDesktop environments through the selected discovery method(s).

  Gather Citrix XenDesktop environment inventory

Enables FlexNet Manager Suite to collect Citrix XenDesktop inventory. Each inventory beacon looks for Citrix XenDesktop broker on the target devices within its subnet and collects the Citrix XenDesktop inventory through that.

Oracle database environments Discover Oracle database environments
Enables inventory beacons to discover Oracle databases by using any of the following discovery methods:
  • Port scan — Allows FlexNet Beacon to connect to Oracle Database using the specified ports. FlexNet Manager Suite adds 1521 and 2483 as default ports. At least one port must be specified for discovery to work.
    • You may edit the existing entries to suit your environment.
    • Use the + icon to add another field to enter an additional port or range of ports.
    • To enter a range of ports in a single field, separate the first and last values with a dash (hyphen), such as 2483-2485.
    • To delete one of the fields, use the x icon to its right.
  • SNMP scan — Allows FlexNet Manager Suite to connect to Oracle Database using Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
Note: The Oracle discovery works only if you have a license for the FlexNet Manager for Datacenters option.
For direct gathering of Oracle inventory by an inventory beacon, you need to configure a specific database user on the target Oracle Database server. This account must be a member of the OS-specific ORADBA group; have at least read access to all necessary database tables; and be registered in the Password Manager on the appropriate inventory beacon. Also, the listener password must be recorded in the Password Manager on the appropriate inventory beacon when all of the following conditions apply (and is not otherwise required):
  • The Oracle Database version is earlier than 12c
  • The listener actually has a password
  • You have selected the Network scan method for device discovery.
For more information, see the Oracle Discovery and Inventory chapter in the FlexNet Manager Suite 2019 R1 System Reference PDF, available through the title page of online help.
  Gather Oracle database environment inventory
Enables FlexNet Manager Suite to collect Oracle inventory by establishing a direct connection to Oracle databases using details from any of the following discovery methods:
  • Network scan
  • TNSNames file
  • Previously discovered devices, including manually-created discovered device records.
When you use this feature to collect Oracle inventory, each inventory beacon (that has a relevant subnet assigned to it) establishes a direct connection to the database and collects Oracle inventory. This requires that the Password Manager on the inventory beacon must contain the passwords for all accessible Oracle databases. For more information about the password store, see Using Password Manager. When you select this option, additional controls appear where you can specify the Discovery methods to use (see below). For more information, see Gather Oracle Database Environment Inventory.
Note: The Oracle inventory works only if you have a license for the FlexNet Manager for Datacenters product.
For direct gathering of Oracle inventory by an inventory beacon, you need to configure a specific database user on the target Oracle Database server. This account must be a member of the OS-specific ORADBA group; have at least read access to all necessary database tables; and be registered in the Password Manager on the appropriate inventory beacon. Also, the listener password must be recorded in the Password Manager on the appropriate inventory beacon when all of the following conditions apply (and is not otherwise required):
  • The Oracle Database version is earlier than 12c
  • The listener actually has a password
  • You have selected the Network scan method for device discovery.
For more information, see the Oracle Discovery and Inventory chapter in the FlexNet Manager Suite 2019 R1 System Reference PDF, available through the title page of online help.
Microsoft SQL Server discovery and inventory Discover Microsoft SQL Server
Enables discovery of SQL Server installations. To use this feature, you must have a license for the FlexNet Manager for Datacenters product. You have to select one or more from the following options:
  • Port scan — Allows FlexNet Manager Suite to connect to a SQL Server database using the specified ports. FlexNet Manager Suite adds 1433 as default port.
    • You may edit the existing entries to suit your environment.
    • Use the + icon to add another field to enter an additional port or range of ports.
    • To enter a range of ports in a single field, separate the first and last values with a dash (hyphen), such as 2483-2485.
    • To delete one of the fields, use the x icon to its right.
  • SQL browser — Allows FlexNet Manager Suite to connect to a SQL Server using the SQL Server Browser Service. This service helps you to browse and connect to SQL Server instances. In order to discover SQL Server installations through this option, the SQL browser service must be running on the target SQL Servers.
  • WMI query — Allows FlexNet Manager Suite to connect to a SQL Server database using WMI Query Language (WQL).
  Gather Microsoft SQL Server hardware and software inventory

Enables FlexNet Manager Suite to collect Microsoft SQL Server inventory. This feature requires that you have licensed the FlexNet Manager for Datacenters product.