License and Maintenance Expiry

FlexNet Manager Suite 2019 R1 (On-Premises Edition)
Entries appear in this list for any of these reasons:
  • A non-perpetual license is expiring in your chosen time period (whether because of the dates recorded on the license itself, or the dates on Software subscription purchases linked to the license)
  • Maintenance coverage of a license is expiring in the same period. This includes expiry of only part of the maintenance coverage.
Because the above reasons include both license and purchases, the list includes properties for both the license and a linked purchase supplying details of either the subscription or maintenance coverage. There is a separate row for each unique combination of a license with a purchase, with the result that either item may appear multiple times in the list:
  • If a purchase has been split across multiple licenses, and the purchase is triggering the expiry, it appears in a separate line for each of the affected licenses.
  • If a license has been linked to multiple purchases, and several of those are expiring in the same time-frame, the license appears in a separate line for each of the expiring purchases.

Choosing the time period

In the upper-left corner of the page, under the page title, choose a value from the Expiring within the next drop-down list. After a moment, the list refreshes to show expiry dates that fall within the chosen time window. Most time periods are measured forward from today (things that have already expired are not included in these cases). The Overdue choice shows cases that have already expired.

How can licenses (and subscriptions) expire?

Licenses may expire based on settings on the license record, on a linked purchase record, or both. Consider first the case of only the license record, assuming for the moment that there is no linked purchase record.

In the Identification tab of the license properties, the Duration is set to Perpetual, Subscription, or Time limited. Any license that is not perpetual eventually reaches its Expiry date, also set on the Identification tab (any Expiry date value is ignored when the Duration is Perpetual). After that date, your enterprise is not complying with the license agreement if you continue to have installed copies of the application.

If the record appears in this License and Maintenance Expiry listing because of the license properties, the row does not include any purchase details.

In FlexNet Manager Suite, the license compliance after expiry depends upon the license type:
  • Oracle non-perpetual licenses are shown as over-utilized when their expiry date is passed.
  • Other non-perpetual licenses are only listed in the License and Maintenance Expiry view; expiry alone is not sufficient reason for the license to show as over-utilized in other license lists. If the license entitlements are being drawn from purchases of purchase type Software subscription, and the Expiry date on the purchase(s) has passed, then the entitlements from those purchases fall to zero. The license may therefore be over-utilized because there are insufficient active entitlements purchased to cover the installation count.

A subscription license can also be managed through linked records of purchases (which can operate independently of the Duration setting on the license). If a purchase (linked to the license) has a Purchase type of Software subscription on the General tab of its purchase properties, it also has an associated Expiry date. When this expiry date falls within the time period you selected for the License and Maintenance Expiry listing, a row appears showing both the affected license and the purchase for the expiring subscription.

Because these methods operate independently, if you have used the details on both the license record and a linked purchase record, and the expiry dates in both places fall within the same period, there will be two rows displayed in this listing: one with purchase details, and one without.


For licenses that are expiring, you may wish to:

  • View or change the expiry details, if these need updating. To display or edit any license in the list, click (or Ctrl-click) the license name, double-click the row, or select the check box on the far left of the row, and click Open.

  • Purchase an upgrade to replace a Time limited license; or renew your subscription by linking another subscription purchase to the license. (Best practice is to import the appropriate purchases from your purchase order system, and then process them. However, if you wish to create a purchase record manually, you can start with the Create a purchase button on this page; and then process the purchase through Procurement > Unprocessed Purchases.)

  • Uninstall the application from all installed computers. To see all computers on which the licensed application is installed, open the license details and select the Consumption tab.

How maintenance expires

Automatic tracking of maintenance coverage relies on correct information being recorded in the purchases that renew the maintenance (and the purchase records being linked to the license covered).

"Correct information" here means that the Maintenance section of the General tab of the purchase properties has the following settings:
  • Purchase includes support, maintenance, or other service agreement for the following period must be set
  • Effective date shows the first date on which maintenance was provided through this purchase
  • Expiry date shows the last date on which maintenance was provided through this purchase (or, if the maintenance is perpetual and never expires, this field may be blank).
Tip: For Microsoft licenses, as well as the above settings, the linked purchase must not be disabled as a result of a MLS import of a later date (in this case, you expect that the record created by the MLS import similarly records your maintenance purchases). You can check for a disabled purchase in the Entitlement status column on the Licenses tab of the purchase properties.
Naturally, you may link a series of such purchases to a license, one for each time you renew maintenance/support for the associated software. In a perfect world, the Expiry date of the first linked purchase is followed immediately by the Effective date of the next linked purchase, providing continuous maintenance coverage. For some licenses, you may be required in an audit to show evidence of continuous coverage (for example, continuous Software Assurance). The series of contiguous dates on linked purchases can provide you with the appropriate documentation.

As the Expiry date of the most recent linked purchase approaches (and falls within the time period you chose for the listing, as described above), a row appears in this list showing details of both the affected license and the linked purchase on which the maintenance Expiry date is imminent.


As maintenance expiry approaches, you may choose one of three paths:
  • To let all the maintenance on the license expire. If that is the plan, simply open the license properties by clicking on the license name in this list; and on the Compliance tab, select the Planned non-renewal check box, and Save the change. Setting this check box has two results:
    • The license/purchase pair disappears from this License and Maintenance Expiry listing immediately, even if it is not the expiry date yet, since you have made clear the plan to not renew (you may need to refresh the list)
    • As the expiry date passes, FlexNet Manager Suite is authorized to adjust the Product User Rights (PURs) on the license on your behalf. The most common change when maintenance expires is the loss of upgrade rights from the expiry date forward.
  • To renew the maintenance. Simply create the purchase record for the renewal, and link to the license. The license/purchase pair disappears from this License and Maintenance Expiry listing (you may need to refresh the list).
    Tip: If you run late, and don't get the new purchase record linked before the maintenance expires, the expiry processing occurs:
    • The license now appears in this list only when you choose the Overdue time period.
    • An alert appears on the license in all license lists, because there is now a mismatch between the number of entitlements and the maintenance quantity on the license.
    When you finally link the new purchase to the license, all is restored.
  • To renew some maintenance, and let some expire. Since each license requires a match between the number of entitlements and the maintenance coverage, splitting the maintenance plan also requires that you split the license record. To do this, select the appropriate row from the listing, and click Move maintenance. For more details, see Moving Maintenance Between Licenses.
    Tip: To allow for complete scenarios of multiple overlapping maintenance purchases on a license, you can even split maintenance that has already expired.


The following license or purchase properties are available for this list. Because the properties come from separate objects, the list header includes a blue bar identifying the source object. Some properties are displayed by default in the list, and others are available in the column chooser, which also groups the properties with the same blue headers. Similarly, the details below are in the same groups.

The Save view as feature of FlexNet Manager Suite enables you to create customized management views of a page by saving the applied user interface settings. For more information, see Creating Management Views.
Tip: The custom properties that you have added for this object are also available through the column chooser. Like other properties, you can also use these properties for filtering and grouping records on this page.
Table 1. Properties of the expiry (alphabetic)
Name Details
Days to expire

The number of days between today and the value shown under Expiry date. For Overdue items, the value is negative.

Expiry date
The source of this date depends on the value of Expiry reason:
  • For License expiry, the date is copied from Expiry date in the Identification tab of the license properties
  • For Maintenance expiry, the date is copied from the Expiry date in the Maintenance section of the General tab of the properties of the related purchase (the purchase shown in the current row of the License and Maintenance Expiry listing). Typically, this is the most recent purchase of maintenance linked to the listed license.
  • For Subscription expiry, the date is copied from the Expiry date in Purchase details section of the General tab of the properties of the related purchase.
Expiry reason
Displays a reason why the row appears in this listing. Values may be:
  • License expiry:
    • Occurs when both these conditions are met:
      1. The Duration has a value other than Perpetual in the Identification tab of the license properties, and
      2. The recorded expiry date is approaching.
    • As a result:
      • The row does not contain any details of a purchase, because this expiry is driven entirely by the license.
        Tip: If, coincidentally, there is a separate purchase that also records the expiry (on a date in the same time window) of the subscription represented by this same license, a separate, additional row is displayed that contains both the license and the purchase, with a different Expiry reason.
  • Maintenance expiry:
    • Occurs when all these conditions are met:
      1. The purchase displayed in this row provides (some) maintenance coverage for the license entitlements, and
      2. The maintenance expiry date on this purchase is approaching, and
      3. So far, there are insufficient, more recent purchases of maintenance linked to the license to cover all the expiring coverage, and
      4. You have not selected Planned non-renewal in the Compliance tab of the license properties.
      Tip: The expiry of only part of the maintenance coverage for a license ensures that the license and related purchase(s) appear here. For example, if a license previously had coverage for all 50 of its entitlements from purchase 001 which expires shortly, and purchase 002 renews coverage for only 30 of those entitlements, then the license and purchase 001 appear together in the listing, because of the expiring maintenance coverage for 20 entitlements.
  • Subscription expiry:
    • Occurs when all these conditions are met:
      1. The purchase displayed in this row has a Purchase type of Software subscription, and
      2. The expiry date listed in the purchase properties is approaching, and
      3. So far, there are no more recent purchases to renew the subscription linked to the license.
      This Subscription expiry value of Expiry reason is determined entirely by the purchase record (even if, on the license, the Duration is not set to Subscription). In the more common case, the license Duration is also set to Subscription; and if this is also expiring in the same period, there is a separate, second row for the license, but showing the License expiry reason.
      Tip: To remove a subscription from this list, link any later subscription purchase, regardless of the entitlement count, to the subscription license. Partial renewals have the same removal effect as full renewals, because consumption may also be dropping, so that entitlements and consumption stay aligned. On the other hand, if consumption does not drop, the impact is clearly visible: if there are insufficient entitlements to cover consumption in future calculations, you see a very obvious license at risk.
Table 2. Properties of licenses (alphabetic)
Name Details

The number of license entitlements allocated to computers or end-users. Those with allocations have top priority consuming from this license, and cannot consume from any other. Allocations may also be set (per license) to always count as consumption (regardless of inventory). For each inventory device, you can also modify the behavior of allocations.

The Allocated value is editable in the Consumption tab of the license properties. Furthermore, the type of allocation can be adjusted on the Licenses tab of the inventory device properties.

Not available for SAP Named User licenses.


The category chosen for this license.

Categories represent how licenses are classified within your enterprise. For example, if you would like to group licenses for different types of software (such as word processing, drawing tools, or business systems), you could define a category called Software Types and sub-categories for each type of software. You could then assign each license to one of these categories.
Tip: You can create categories through Enterprise > Categories .
Compliance status
Whether or not the current use of software under this license complies with the license terms and conditions. Values may be:
  • At risk — Consumption exceeds entitlements. Consider uninstalling some software, or finding more purchase records, or making new purchases to cover the shortfall.
  • Compliant — The calculated consumption is less than or equal to the total recorded entitlements (these may be recorded in one or many purchases linked to this license). If your data input is complete and accurate, this license is in good shape.
  • Not tracked — This is the initial (default) value for CAL Legacy, Oracle Legacy, and Concurrent User licenses, because the compliance status of these license types is not calculated by license reconciliation process. However, you can manually set the compliance status value in the Compliance tab of the properties for these licenses. Custom Metric licenses also start out as Not tracked, but for Custom Metric licenses you may manually set the value only if you first set the Set Compliance status manually check box in the Identification tab of the license properties.
  • Unknown — Inventory data cannot be used to determine the compliance status of this license. Typical reasons may include:
    • Missing calculations — You haven't yet run a compliance calculation (called a Reconcile, available through License Compliance > Reconcile, or run automatically overnight).
    • Missing applications — The license has no application linked. You can identify the installed software and link it to the license; or as a short-term workaround, you can switch to the Consumption tab, allocate the license to specific computers (or end-users, depending on license type), provided that in the Use rights & rules tab you expand the License consumption rules section and select the Allocations consume license entitlements check box.
    • Missing inventory details — This license may require details from hardware inventory that are currently not available. For example, Microsoft Server Core and Microsoft Server Processor licenses require the number of threads and cores or processors from hardware inventory. As all inventory tools do not include these details (Microsoft SMS or SCCM prior to the 2012 release did not provide information on cores; and threads may be missing from various sources), the license compliance cannot be accurately calculated without this information. Unless the license is already at risk, it is given a status of Unknown. To correct this, identify the computers linked to this license that are missing the necessary hardware properties, and set the values manually until you can change to an inventory tool that provides all required data. Consider augmenting the inventory on these computers with direct inventory gathering by FlexNet Manager Suite through an inventory beacon.
The number of license entitlements (or points) consumed across the enterprise.
Tip: Access rights on an operator's role may restrict the values that the operator is entitled to see. An unrestricted view provides the total consumption that should be balanced by purchases.
Note: Special provisions apply to these license types:
  • For SAP Named User licenses, this is the license requirement based on the current user license assignments in SAP. This is the same value that would be calculated by SAP LAW, had you run it with the same data.
  • For IBM PVU licenses, this is the most recently calculated value shown in the Peak consumed field on the Compliance tab of the license properties. The historical peak is the licensable metric for this license type.
Corporate unit, Cost center, or Location

The name of the related enterprise group.

May be linked to the license on the Ownership tab of the license properties.

The time-based nature of the license, whether it is a Perpetual, Subscription, or Time limited license.

Editable in the Identification tab of the license properties.


The edition property of the license, which may or may not be the same as the edition of the licensed application.

Editable in the Identification tab of the license properties.

Expiry date

Displayed under the Expiry group when Expiry reason is License expiry.

For subscription (or other time-limited) licenses, this is the date when the current license expires. You should aim to renew the subscription before this date.

Has maintenance

Displays No when there is no current maintenance recorded for this license; or Yes when there is at least one purchase of maintenance for which today falls between the Effective date and the Expiry date (inclusive) on the purchase. When this is Yes, the Maintenance field shows the corresponding number of entitlements that are currently covered by maintenance.

License type

The kind of license which determines what properties are available for the license, and how compliance is calculated for the license. For details of an individual license type, please see the appropriate entry in the glossary.

Editable in the License type field in the Identification tab of the license properties.


The total number of license entitlements currently covered by maintenance (or support, or Software Assurance), as shown in maintenance-related purchases linked to the license and taking account of their effective date ranges.

The total is not directly editable in license properties (although the total can be split across licenses). The value is summed from maintenance purchases linked to the license, and is displayed in the Compliance tab as Maintenance from purchases. To increase the total coverage, link additional current maintenance purchase records to the license.
Tip: Maintenance purchases can also be split across multiple licenses, for example by editing the Maintenance column in the Purchases tab of the license properties.
Maintenance can be included in purchases of the following types linked to the license:
  • Not set
  • Software
  • Software baseline
  • Software maintenance
  • Software subscription
  • Software upgrade.

The delegate who has responsibility for the license.

Editable in the Ownership tab of the license properties.

The license name may be:
  • Copied from the first-linked software product
  • Derived from the License Name field of the SKU in the first-linked purchase (or if there is no SKU, from the purchase Description field)
  • Created manually.

The Name value is editable in the Identification tab of the license properties.

Override unit price (currency)

The unit price for a single entitlement under this license. This value has been set to override prices on all related purchase records. This may be set to the current single purchase price.

Editable in the Purchases tab of the license properties.

Planned non-renewal

Displays Yes when maintenance (or support, or Software Assurance) on this license has been, or will be, allowed to expire. Displays No when the plan is to continue renewing the maintenance for the time being.

Editable in the Compliance tab of the license properties.

Product (primary)

The basic name of the application, excluding the publisher and references to versions or editions. This field displays the value Multiple products for multi-product licenses that have multiple primary products. See Multi-Product License.

Product values are not directly editable in the license properties, but are taken from the latest version of the application linked to the license (visible in the Identification section of the General tab of the application properties). In license properties the product is listed in the Applications tab. For multi-product licenses, linked products are listed in the Use rights & rules tab.


The name of the publisher of this software, responsible for its development and distribution.

For application records that you create manually, Publisher is editable in the General tab of the application properties. For applications supplied through the Application Recognition Library, the Publisher field is not editable.


The total number of license entitlements owned by the enterprise, as currently recorded for this license. This is the sum of the Entitlements from purchases and Extra entitlements values stored in the properties of the license. This is the number of licenses your enterprise is entitled to consume.

Not directly editable. The value changes as you:
  • Link purchases to a license (for example, through the Purchases tab of the license properties)
  • Edit a value in the License entitlements column of the Purchases tab of a license
  • Change the Extra entitlements field in the Compliance tab of the license properties.
Raw consumption

The consumption from this license before taking account of any savings gained from product use rights that may cover some installations without consuming additional entitlements. For most license types, this is shown on the Compliance tab as Raw installations.

Not editable.

Serial number

Any serial number associated with this license.

Editable in the Identification tab of the license properties.


Displays the result of Entitlements from purchases plus Extra entitlements minus Consumed fields shown in license properties. The result is positive when you have surplus entitlements (according to the last license consumption calculation), and negative when you are under-purchased. For points-based licenses (such as Core Points or Processor Points licenses), the value is the number of points, rather than entitlements.

Not editable. Visible at the Available Entitlements field on the Compliance tab of the license properties.

The progress of this license from acquisition to decommissioning. Values (in life-cycle order) are:
  • Active (default for newly-created licenses)
  • In stock
  • Purchased
  • Received
  • Retired (ignored in license consumption calculations).

Editable in the Identification tab of the license properties.

Subject to true-up

A value of Yes means this license cannot be displayed as "at risk", and that at the end of the true-up period, you must make purchases to retroactively cover any over-consumption. Most licenses display No.

Editable in the Subject to true-up field in the Identification tab of the license properties.
Note: For SaaS User licenses covering Salesforce, this field should show a value of Yes. However, if the Subject to true-up field in the Identification tab of the license properties is manually deselected for a Salesforce license, this field will temporarily display a value of No until the next time FlexNet Manager Suite recalculates a license position, after which this field reverts to Yes.
The number of installations of the licensed applications actively being used. Shows a zero if:
  • Usage thresholds are not set for the application(s) linked to the license
  • Usage data is not collected in inventory for the linked applications
  • Nobody used this application throughout the time-span specified in the Usage period field on the Usage tab of the application's properties (by default, three months).
If a non-zero Used count is less than the Consumed count, you may be able to harvest licenses by uninstalling applications.
  • For SAP Named User licenses, this column shows optimal license use calculated by FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications. This forms the basis of recommendations made available to your SAP Administrators. (If Used is identical to Consumed, no further optimization is currently available.)
  • For SAP Package licenses, this column always has the same value as the Consumed column.
  • For Concurrent User licenses created during import of data from FlexNet Manager for Engineering Applications, usage is a figure directly imported and not locally calculated. (By default, these special case licenses are not linked to application or computer records.)

The version assigned to the license. Depending on settings, this may or may not reflect the version of the first-linked application.

The license Version is editable in the Identification tab of the license properties.

Table 3. Properties of purchases (alphabetic)
Name Details
Authorized by

The person who authorized this purchase.

Editable in the Ownership tab of the purchase properties.

Contract description

The name (or brief description) of the contract.

This is the contract linked directly to the purchase. (Linking of contracts to the license is separate.)
Contract no.

The identifying code for the contract.

Again, this is displayed from the purchase properties, showing the one contract that is directly linked to the purchase.
Corporate unit, Cost center, or Location

The name of the related enterprise group.

Each named group has been linked directly with the purchase (in the Ownership tab of the purchase properties).
Tip: This purchase "ownership" is purely informational, and does not restrict the consumption of the purchased license entitlements. It is the license record, rather than the purchase record, that controls consumption. If your intention is to restrict consumption of a license to the enterprise group who purchased the entitlements, you must:
  • Create a separate license for each target group that is allowed to consume, naming that enterprise group in the Restrictions tab of the license properties (remembering that the named group and its children are allowed to consume)
  • Link the appropriate purchase(s) to each restricted license. Identifying the matching group in the purchase properties Ownership tab is optional, but good administrative practice.
This column displays Yes when the purchase can have some effect on the license today (at the moment the listing was refreshed).
  • If the license is a perpetual license and the purchase type is Software or Not set, the Current column displays Yes because the purchase is able to contribute license entitlements.
  • Where the purchase provides only maintenance, or the purchase type is Software subscription, the Current column displays Yes when today's date falls between the relevant Effective date and Expiry date on the purchase properties. These may be the dates in the Maintenance section of the General tab of the license properties; or, if the Purchase type is Software subscription, it is the subscription dates shown in the Purchase details section of the General tab of the purchase properties.
  • If the purchase was for perpetual license entitlements plus time-limited maintenance, the Current column displays Yes because the license entitlements are always applicable.
    Tip: To find out whether the maintenance is current, display the Current maintenance column on the Purchases tab of the license properties to see the amount that remains current.
Note: The value of Current takes into account the license type, purchase type, and time-related settings. However, it does not take into account the Entitlement status on the Purchases tab of the license properties. In other words, a purchase may be current but disabled, in which case it has no effect on license consumption calculations.

In the Overdue listing, this column always displays No (unless the purchase is adding entitlements to a perpetual license). For any of the future time windows, the column typically displays Yes — it could only display No for a very short time-frame purchase that hasn't yet become current (starts in the future) and also expires within your selected time window.


Details of the item purchased.

Editable in the Description field in General tab of the purchase properties (in the Purchase Details group).

Effective quantity

Total number of units acquired with this purchase. Depending on purchase type, these 'units' may be license entitlements, or maintenance coverage for this number of license entitlements.

Estimated renewal (currency)
The estimated cost of renewing is calculated as follows:
  1. The Total price (including taxes and shipping) from the purchase shown in the current row is
  2. Divided by the Effective quantity on the same purchase, providing an all-inclusive unit cost, which is then
  3. Multiplied by the quantity (either of subscription entitlements, or of maintenance coverage) that is about to expire.
  4. If necessary, the result in the currency of the expiring purchase is converted to your preferred display currency.
Has comments
Displays Yes when the Comments field in the General tab of the purchase properties contains anything, and otherwise displays No.
Tip: White space (such as a space or an empty paragraph) counts as 'something' in the comments, so be sure that an empty-looking field is truly empty!
Invoice date

The date of issue on the vendor's invoice for payment covering this purchase.

Editable in the Financial tab of the purchase properties.

Invoice number

Identifies the invoice, payment of which completed this purchase.

Editable in the Financial tab of the purchase properties.


The number of this purchase within its related purchase order.

Not editable (reflects the order of data entry for purchases given the same purchase order number).

Item sales tax (currency)

The sales tax (if any) applicable to this purchase.

Editable in the Financial tab of the purchase properties.

Item subtotal (currency)

The value of this purchase excluding tax, shipping, and handling, and displayed in the currency shown in the column header.

Automatically calculated from the purchased quantity and unit price values, set in the purchase properties.

License entitlements
The value depends on the type of purchase:
  • Zero: When the Purchase type is Software maintenance, which provides maintenance coverage only (applying that coverage to entitlements purchased separately), the License entitlements value is zero.
  • Positive: Shows how many entitlements were added to the license in this row by this purchase. The Software, Software subscription, Software baseline, and Not set purchase types can add new entitlements; and the Software upgrade type migrates entitlements from the previous license to this upgraded one (this license must be the target upgraded license in order to show a positive value here).
When the purchase changes the maintenance coverage for the license in this row, the change is shown here. The number is the count of license entitlements affected by the change in maintenance as a result of this purchase. In a similar way as for License entitlements, the value may be:
  • Zero when this purchase does not affect maintenance coverage.
  • Positive when the purchase adds maintenance coverage for this license.
Number of assets

The total number of assets already linked to this purchase.

Not editable.

Number of licenses

The total number of licenses already linked to this purchase.

Not editable.

Part no./SKU

The vendor's code that identifies the purchased item (the Stock Keeping Unit).

This value is added as Part no./SKU in the General tab of the purchase properties.

Processed by

The person who handled data entry for this purchase.

Editable in the Ownership tab of the purchase properties.

Product points

The points Microsoft assigns to this purchase for tracking discounts under your Microsoft Select Agreement.

Editable in the General tab of the purchase properties.

Product pool

The grouping of Microsoft products under your Microsoft Select agreement, used for calculating your appropriate discounts on license purchases.

Editable in the General tab of the purchase properties.


The manufacturer of the software that licenses its use to you.

Editable in the General tab of the purchase properties.

Purchase date

The date that goods were ordered.

The Purchase date is recorded when the first purchase from the same purchase order is created. Thereafter it is accessible through the General tab of the purchase properties.

Purchase order no.

The identifying code of the purchase order authorizing the purchase.

Editable in the Purchase order no. field in the General tab of the purchase properties.

Purchase quantity
Number of units of a product in this purchase.
Note: This quantity is not the license quantity for this purchase. It is a unit quantity which may apply to a purchase where a group or pack of entitlements is sold (for example, 10 units of a pack of 5 license entitlements), or to non-license purchases such as maintenance.

The Purchase quantity value is added on the General tab of the purchase properties.

Purchase type
The nature of this purchase, such as software, hardware, maintenance and so on. Determines whether automated processing of the purchase can occur, and whether the purchase can contribute to license entitlements.
Tip: At purchase processing time, when the purchase is linked to a license, the purchase type from a recognized SKU is given priority over this Purchase type set in the purchase properties. It is best practice to keep these two values aligned.

The Purchase type value is selected on the General tab on the purchase properties.

Quantity per unit

The multiplier for the number of individual items included in each purchased unit (relevant for purchases of groups or packs).

The Quantity per unit value is added on the General tab on the purchase properties.

Renewal owner
The following fields are searched in the order listed, and the first name found is displayed as the owner responsible for the next (new) purchase to renew the maintenance/subscription provided in this purchase:
  • Requestor in the Ownership tab of the purchase properties
  • Authorized by, also in the Ownership tab of the purchase properties
  • Processed by, still in the Ownership tab of the purchase properties
  • The owner of any contract linked to the purchase, which is a user given the Responsibility of Owner in the Responsibilities tab of the contract properties.
There is no way to change this priority order, nor to select a particular value when there may be several names available.
Request date

The date of a purchase requisition or similar request initiating this purchase.

Editable in the Ownership tab of the purchase properties.

Request number

The identifying code for the request that triggered this purchase.

Editable in the Ownership tab of the purchase properties.


The person who asked for the item purchased.

Editable in the Ownership tab of the purchase properties.

Shipping and handling (currency)

The shipping and handling costs attributed to this purchase.

The Shipping and handling field is editable in the Financial tab of the purchase properties (under Cost Details).

Shipping date

The date of dispatch from the vendor.

Editable in the Financial tab of the purchase properties.

Shipping location

The destination office receiving the shipment of this purchase.

Editable in the Financial tab of the purchase properties.

Shows the current progress of the purchase through the purchasing process. Values may be:
  • Cancelled
  • Completed
  • New
  • Pending
Tip: These values have no effect on license compliance calculations. If a purchase conveys license entitlements and is linked to a license, the entitlements are counted regardless of this status value. If you intend to cancel a purchase so that it no longer contributes to your license entitlements, be sure to disconnect the purchase from any licenses.

The Status value is selected on the General tab of the purchase properties.

Total price (currency)

The overall cost of this purchase, including tax and shipping.

Read-only calculated value in the Financial tab of the purchase properties.

Unit price (currency)

The cost of an individual item in this purchase (exclusive of taxes and shipping).

Editable in the Financial tab of the purchase properties.


The reseller who sold this product.

The Vendor value is editable in the General tab of the purchase properties.