Process for Exports from ServiceNow to Process for Exports from FlexNet Manager Suite to ServiceNow
FlexNet Manager Suite
2022 R1
How the import of data from ServiceNow works.
Process Details
- Two scheduled jobs are run separately (and not at the same time) in
ServiceNow.Note: These jobs are visible in Export Configuration > Scheduled Jobs (or Scheduled Jobs in 4.x) as Export Assets from ServiceNow and Export Contracts from ServiceNow. Click the job names to make them active or inactive, to modify the schedule, or to execute either one immediately.
- When either job is executed, ServiceNow creates an XML file on the MID server
with the data from the database view. (In integration app 5.x go to Tip: Within the Database Views, you can specify additional tables to join to the database view, or within a table, you can add additional columns to join to the database view. To preview the records for an export (without actually invoking the export), click the view name in that page to display the properties of the view; and under the Related Links heading, click Try It.
and in integration app 4.x, go to .) The filename is
x_fls_flexera_fnms_asset.xml for assets or
x_fls_flexera_fnms_contract.xml for contracts.
The files are overwritten with every export.
- After the export is executed in ServiceNow, a record is created under Export Runs, In integration app 5.x go to and in integration app 4.x, under . ServiceNow updates the state of this record to Succeeded when the export is successfully completed.
- Two independent business adapters from FlexNet Manager Suite (on potentially
independent schedules) connect from your inventory beacon to
your MID server, and collect the latest XML files saved there, converting them
into the intermediate data form required for business data uploads. (For details
of the mapping between source data in ServiceNow and destination fields in the
FlexNet Manager Suite database, see Business Adapter Mappings.)Important: The business adapters will fail if they are run while the XML files on the MID server are incomplete. Be sure that the schedules for export from ServiceNow, and the running of the business adapters, allow sufficient time for the export to be completed. For large data sets, this may be several hours.
- As the adapters complete their run, the data set is uploaded immediately to the application server for FlexNet Manager Suite. (There is also a catch-up upload task that runs overnight to retry any failed uploads.)
- On a separate schedule, the batch server starts a business import job. This imports data from the data package into the FlexNet Manager Suite database.
At the completion of this process, data exported from ServiceNow is reflected in your FlexNet Manager Suite data set.
FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)
2022 R1