Performing Dynamic Testing of Web Applications
AdminStudio 2021 | 21.0 | Application Manager
You can use the Launch Web Test button in the Application Manager ribbon to interactively test a web application for browser compatibility.
Important:You should always use dynamic testing when a web application requires a login to access. If you attempt to perform static analysis of a web application that requires login, Application Catalog will not be able to test any of the pages other than the login page.
When you select a web application in the tree and click the Launch Web Test button, the following occurs:
Web application is launched in default browser—Application Catalog launches the web application in your default browser. |
Important:Make sure that the browser version that you want to test for compatibility (Internet Explorer 11 and Microsoft Edge) is installed and is set as your default browser.
Navigate through web application—As you navigate around the web application, Application Catalog records any warnings or errors that are encountered. Progress messages are displayed in the Output window. |
Perform tasks using web application—As you perform tasks, such as when performing a search or submitting a form, Application Catalog tests the pages that are generated by those actions |
Close browser to stop testing—When you have visited all pages that you want to test, close the browser window, and Application Catalog will end the testing. |
Note:You can also perform static, automated testing of web applications using the Execute Tests button in the ribbon. See Performing Web Application Testing and Performing Static Testing of Web Applications.
Tip:Web applications are not automatically tested at import, even if the Automatically Execute Tests After Import option on the Import Options tab of the Application Catalog Options dialog box is selected.
To interactively test a web application for browser compatibility with Internet Explorer 11 and Microsoft Edge performs the following steps:
To perform static browser compatibility testing of a web application:
Make sure that the browser version that you want to test for compatibility (Internet Explorer 11 and Microsoft Edge) is installed and is set as your default browser. |
Open the Analyze tab of Application Manager. |
Select one web application in the tree. |
Click Launch Web Test in the ribbon. Application Catalog launches the web application in your default browser. |
Begin to navigate around the web application. After each page loads, Application Catalog records any warnings or errors that are encountered. Progress messages are displayed in the Output window. |
Note:As each page loads, Application Catalog begins testing. Links on each page do not become active until testing is complete on that page, so you may have to wait several seconds before proceeding.
Perform tasks using the web application, such as performing searches, submitting a form, or any other functionality that you want to test. Application Catalog tests the pages that are generated by those actions |
When you have visited all pages that you want to test, close the browser window. Application Catalog will end the testing. |
Testing is initiated and messages are displayed in the Output window. When testing is finished, Completed testing package(s) is displayed in the Output window. |
Manually resolve any issues that were detected, as described in the Manual Fix section of each test’s documentation, as described in Browser Compatibility Tests. |
See Also
Filtering Test Results by Suppressing Errors/Warnings
Performing Manual Issue Resolution
Analyze Views