Configure License Reclamation Policy

App Portal 2020 R1

After you add an application to the My Apps License Reclamation Policies list, which means that the application is targeted for reclamation, you have the option of setting configuration options by clicking the Configure Policy link in the License Reclamation Policy column for that application.

Configure License Reclamation Policy View

The Configure License Reclamation Policy view includes the following properties:

Configure License Reclamation Policy View




Name of application.

Flexera ID

Flexera ID of application.

Enable License Reclamation Policy

Select this option to enable license reclamation for this application. Clear the selection to disable the license reclamation policy.

License Reclamation Threshold

Specify the number of days that this application has to be unused to trigger a reclamation action. This can be set to 0 or any other positive integer number. When the value is set to 0, the Global threshold value is used.

Allow users to uninstall unused software

If you want to prompt users to uninstall their unused software by displaying an unused software alert message on their My Apps tab, select this option. If this option is selected, you have three additional options:

Automatically uninstall software if the user has not responded to the notification within n days—If the user does not respond to the unused software alert within the number of days you specify, the application will be automatically uninstalled.
Uninstall unused software even when there is no associated user for the device—If App Portal detects unused software on a device that does not have an associated user (meaning that there is no one to respond to an unused software alert message), uninstall the application.
Automatically expire notification if the unused software at time of notification is later reported as used—If this option is selected, and the user uses the software that they have an unused software alert message about, cancel the unused software alert message. If this option is not selected, the alert message would still be in effect even if a user uses software that was reported as unused.

Automatically uninstall unused software without any user intervention

If you want to automatically uninstall unused software without any user intervention, select this option. As soon as the license reclamation threshold is reached, this application will be automatically uninstalled without prompting the user. If you select this option, you have one additional option:

Notify user once the uninstallation of unused software is complete—If you select this option, users will receive a notification email when one of their unused applications is automatically uninstalled. If this option is not selected, the user will not be notified.

See Also