Creating a New Standard RDLC-Based Report

App Portal 2020 R1

You can create your own custom reports that are generated using Microsoft SQL Reporting Services.

To create a custom report, you need to first create an .rdlc file (using either Microsoft SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio or Visual Studio 2010), copy that file to the App Portal installation directory, and then edit the App Portal Report Definition file (AdminStudio.Reports.xml) to add a reference to your custom report.

To create a custom Microsoft SQL Reporting Services report:

1. Create an .rdlc file.
2. Copy that file to the following directory on the machine where App Portal is installed:

[App Portal Installation Directory]\Web\ReportDefinition\RDLC

3. Open the AdminStudio.Reports.xml file, found in the following location, in a text editor:

[App Portal Installation Directory]\Web\ReportDefinition

4. In the AdminStudio.Reports.xml file, copy an existing <Report> element under the <Reports> element. Below is the <Report> element for the Catalog Items Requested and Their Count report:

<Report Name="Catalog Items Requested and Count" RdlcPathType="Relative"

    RdlcPath="RDLC\CatalogItemsRequestedAndCount.rdlc" >


        <DataSource DataSourceName="CatalogItemsRequestedAndCount" SqlCommandType="SQL"

            SqlCommandString="Select wp.PackageTitle,Count(wp.PackageTitle) as [RequestCount]

            from WD_PackageRequests as pr INNER JOIN Wd_webpackages as wp 

            on pr.PackageID_FK = wp.PackageID Group by wp.PackageTitle order by  

            RequestCount desc">







5. Replace the highlighted text above with the correct information for your new custom report: the data source and the parameters that are required for any drill through reports that you include.

In this XML file, note the following parameter values:




Valid values are Relative or Absolute.


Valid values are StoredProcedure or SQL.


Enter the stored procedure name or an SQL string.

6. To view your custom report in App Portal, you need to add the report to the Reporting tab, as described in Adding a Standard Report to the Reporting Tab.

See Also