Creating a New Catalog Item (Advanced) From Altiris

To create a new catalog item from Altiris using the multi-tabbed New Catalog Item Properties dialog box, perform the following steps:

To create a new catalog item from Altiris using the New Catalog Item Properties dialog box:

1. Open the Admin tab, and click on Catalog Management:

2. Under Create New Catalog Item, click on New Software Catalog Item. The General > Global tab of the New Catalog Item Properties dialog box opens.

Note:Until you enter settings and click Save, only the General tab of the New Catalog Item Properties dialog box is enabled.

3. On the General > Global tab of the New Catalog Item Properties dialog box, click on the Category list and select a category for this catalog item.

Note:For information on creating a catalog category, see Creating a Catalog Category.

4. To require the requester to answer some questions when they submit a request for this catalog item, select a template from the Question Template list.

Note:A question template is a group of questions to ask the end user at the time of request. For more information, see Managing Questions and Question Templates and Attaching a Question Template.

5. Select any other desired properties on the General tab, as described in General Tab.
6. Open the Title & Description subtab of the General tab, and enter a title for this new catalog item.
7. Click Save to create the new catalog item. A message appears stating that a catalog item has been created.
8. Open the Deployment > Global subtab and specify any desired deployment options, as described in Global Subtab.
9. Open the Deployment > Altiris subtab.

10. To add a software product from Altiris, perform the following steps:

Note:For instructions on adding an Altiris policy, skip to Step 11.

a. Click Add Software Product. The Add Software Product dialog box opens, listing all of the software products in the connected Altiris server:

b. Select the software product that you want to add and click Add Program. The Altiris Software Product Deployment dialog box opens:

c. From the Select deployment method list, select Deploy to user or Deploy to computer.
d. If you have multiple installation programs for different languages within a single request, select the Show all languages option.

Note:If programs are specified for more than one language, the requester will select the language during the checkout process.

e. Select the matching program name for each program function: Install, Uninstall, and Repair.
If you have enabled Uninstall or Repair in the global settings, the uninstall and repair programs are required.
You can have multiple installation programs for different languages within a single request.
If programs are specified for more than one language, the requester will select the language during the checkout process.
f. Under Select sites to publish, select the sites where this request will be available, the locations you wish to publish the catalog item to.
g. Click Save. The deployment or program is now listed on the Deployments or Programs/Task Sequences subtab of the Catalog Item Properties dialog box.

11. To add a policy from Altiris, perform the following steps:
a. On the Deployment > Altiris tab, click Add Existing Policy. The Add Existing Policy dialog box opens.

b. Select a policy and click Next, the Software Delivery Item tab opens.

c. From the Select Deployment Method list, select one of the following options:
Deploy to user 
Deploy to computer 
d. The Select Software Delivery Item list lists all of the software delivery items that are included in the selected Altiris policy. Select the software delivery item that you want this new Software catalog item to contain.
e. From the Select Deployment Type list, select one of the following items to match the purpose of the selected software delivery item:
f. Click Add Program. The policy is now listed on the Deployment > Altiris tab.

12. Proceed with editing the properties on the remaining tabs of the Catalog Item Properties dialog box, as described in Setting Catalog Item Properties.