Setting Catalog Item Properties

The Catalog Item Properties dialog box is a multi-tabbed form that you use to create a new catalog item and to set its properties. A detailed list of all of the properties and options available on the Catalog Item Properties dialog box can be found in Catalog Item Properties Dialog Box.

This section explains how to specify the properties for several of the most common scenarios:

Setting Approval Options
Attaching a Question Template
Enabling a Catalog Item to Be Requested on Behalf of Another User / Device
Adding Notes to a Catalog Item
Attaching a Program to Deploy a Catalog Item to System Center Configuration Manager
Defining Custom Variables for a Catalog Item
Setting FlexNet Manager Suite Licensing Options
Controlling Visibility of a Catalog Item by Adding Conditions
Adding an Action to a Catalog Item
Customizing Email Notifications for a Catalog Item
Assigning Permissions to a Catalog Item
Setting Properties Specific to Mobile Application Catalog Items
Connecting a Catalog Item to a Workflow Manager Workflow Request
Connecting a Catalog Item With System Center Orchestrator